1, the lack of illumination will affect the growth rate of turfgrass, the number of tillers, root volume, leaf color and so on. When the light is seriously deficient, the turfgrass will be yellow and even die due to malnutrition. The shade-tolerance of warm-season turfgrass was in order: blunt weeds, zoysiagrass, zoysiagrass, false grass, carpet grass, spotted gar, brackish grass and bermudagrass. The shade-tolerance of cool-season turfgrass was in order of: purple wool, fescue, nymphs, bentgrass, bark grass, perennial ryegrass, bluegrass, etc. 2. Temperature and temperature is one of the main factors that limit the distribution and cultivation of turfgrass species. Whether it is cold-season turfgrass or warm-season turfgrass, the adaptability to temperature changes is quite different. The heat resistance of warm-season turfgrass was in order: Zoysia japonica, Bermudagrass, buffalo grass, carpet grass, false grass, blunt grass, spotted gar, etc. The heat resistance of cold-season turfgrasses was in order of: Festuca arundinacea, Straw grass, Commonwealth, Thin and thin bentgrass, Kentucky bluegrass, Poa pratensis, Tall fescue, Kobresia pygmaea, perennial ryegrass Wait. The cold resistance of warm-season turfgrass was in order: Zoysia japonica, Bermudagrass, spotted gar, alfalfa, carpet grass, and blunt grass. The cold resistance of cold-season turfgrasses was as follows: early-maturing mulberry, bentgrass, perennial ryegrass, bluegrass, bluegrass, red fescue, and fescue. 3, water within a certain range, with the increase in water, turfgrass growth and development is better. However, too much water and too little water are not conducive to the growth and development of turfgrass. The drought-resistance of warm-season grasses followed in order: buffalo grass, bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, sparrow, blunt weed, false grass, carpet grass and so on. The drought-resistance of cold-season grass species was ranked as follows: Heterocallis taiwanense, Festuca arundinacea, Festuca arundinacea, Euphausia glabra, Cinnamomum camphora, Cinnamomum camphora, Perennial ryegrass and so on. The resistance of the warm-season grass seedlings was in order: Bermudagrass, spotted gar, blunt grass, carpet grass, zoysiagrass, and valerian. The resistance of the cold-season grass species was ranked in order of: nymphs, bentgrass, tall fescue, thin and weak bentgrass, junegrass, perennial ryegrass, and fescue. 4. Acidity and alkalinity of the soil In the weakly acidic soil with a pH of 5.0-6.5, the turfgrass grows well. However, different turfgrass species have different tolerance capabilities for the soil pH value. The tolerance of warm-season turfgrass to soil acidity was as follows: carpet grass, false weed grass, bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, blunt weed, spotted gar, etc. The ability of the cold-season turfgrass to endure the acidity of the soil was in turn: Festuca arundinacea, Festuca arundinacea, Thin and thin bentgrass, Coriander and bentgrass, Perennial ryegrass, June aphid and so on. The tolerance of warm-season turfgrass to soil alkalinity was in the order of buffalo grass, Bermuda grass, zoysiagrass, blunt grass, spotted gar, grass carpet, and false grass. The ability of the cold-season turfgrass to endure the soil alkalinity was as follows: turfgrass, bentgrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, and thin and weak bentgrass. 5, soil hardness appropriate hardness of the soil helps to improve the trampling ability to resist trampling, but its hardness exceeds a certain limit that will affect the growth and development of turfgrass, so that the root system of necrosis and turfgrass death. According to surveys, the general park and sports grounds have a soil hardness of 5.5-6.2 kg/cm2 and bare ground hardness of 10.3-22.2 kg/cm2. Zoysia japonica has good growth and development when the soil hardness is 2 kg/cm2. When the seeds are higher than 2-10 kg/cm2, the seeds cannot germinate, although they germinate. Therefore, in the establishment of lawn and lawn management, prevention of soil compaction is a very important task. 6, pathogenic microorganisms in the high temperature and humidity season is a large number of pathogens breeding season. If improper trimming at this time, too much nitrogen fertilizer, turfgrass is very susceptible to disease. Therefore, the incidence of turfgrass in the south is higher. The incidence in spring and summer is higher than that in autumn and winter. Turfgrass seedling stage is higher than adulthood. Turfgrass resistance to original microorganisms is called disease resistance. The resistance of warm-season turfgrass was in order of: false valerian grass, carpet grass, zoysiagrass, bermudagrass, obtusifolia and so on. The resistance of cold-season turfgrass was ranked as follows: Festuca arundinacea, perennial ryegrass, June amaranth, Festuca arundinacea, and thin and weak bentgrass. 7. Weed grass turfgrass and turfgrass compete for light, fertilizer, water, and living space, which seriously affect the growth and development of turfgrass, and the value and quality of turf ornamental use. The ability of turfgrass to resist and grow weeds is called weed resistance. The ability of the warm-season turfgrass to resist weeds was in the following order: blunt-leaf grass, spotted paspalum, false valerian, bermudagrass, carpet grass and zoysiagrass. The ability of cold-season turfgrass to resist weeds was as follows: perennial ryegrass, eucalyptus, bentgrass, thin and thin bentgrass, fescue, etc. 8, trampling turfgrass has a stronger ability to withstand trampling. Mild trampling can promote the growth of turfgrass. Frequent trampling beyond a certain limit can affect the growth and development of turfgrass, causing severe growth and death. Turfgrass tolerance for trampling is called trampling of turfgrass. The resistance to trampling of warm-season turfgrass was as follows: Bermudagrass, Zoysia, fescue, false grass, carpet grass, buffalo grass and so on. The order of resistance to trampling in the cold-season turfgrass was: white clover, bentgrass, bluegrass, ryegrass and so on. 9, trimmed turfgrass plant type, the stronger the performance of pruning. Grass-type grass has strong resistance to pruning. In a certain range, the number of pruning is proportional to the density of the turf foliage. For warm season turfgrass, timely pruning in late August can extend the turf green period by 20-30 days. However, the trim resistance of turfgrass is a relative concept, which is related to the height of trimming and the frequency of trimming. The resistance of the warm-season turfgrass to pruning was in the following order: Bermudagrass, Zoysiagrass, Falsegrass, Carpetgrass, Bluntleafgrass, Spotted pupa. The order of resistance to pruning in the cool-season turfgrass was: cut bentgrass, fescue grass, white clover, Kentucky bluegrass, ryegrass and so on. 10, soil nutrients The level of soil nutrients has a significant impact on the normal growth and development of turfgrass, the length of the green period, the bright green color. In general, multi-year sound turfgrass needs more nutrients than annual grass to prevent aging. The low-tolerance ability of warm-season turfgrass was in order: Bermudagrass, Zoysia, valerian, carpet grass, and blunt grass. The order of resistance to thinning in the cool-season turfgrass was in order of: fescue, fescue, perennial ryegrass, junegrass, thin and thin bentgrass, and bentgrass. China Agricultural Network Editor