Corn mulching has obvious effects of increasing temperature, keeping soil moisture and improving soil physicochemical properties. Generally, it can increase the effective temperature accumulation of corn in the whole growing period of 200-300°C, and can mature 7-15 days earlier, and increase the yield by 150kg per mu. First, use hybrid seed. Select suitable for dense planting, strong resistance, late failure and high productivity per plant hybrids. Generally, the growth period of the corn planted in the open field is 7-15 days longer than the local open field, or the required accumulated temperature is 150-300°C, and the number of leaves is 1-2 varieties. Second, the choice of film. 1, film thickness and width. In the low-temperature, wet, high-humidity areas in the southern China, thickness of 0.005 to 0.007 mm and a width of 600 mm can be used. In areas with a large number of weeds in the field, a plastic film with a thickness of 0.008 to 0.01 mm can be used. 2, the amount of film. The thickness of the film is 0.008mm, the width is 800mm, the amount of mu is 3.7~4kg, the thickness is 0.006mm, the width is 800mm, the amount of mu is 3kg, the thickness is 0.006mm, the width is 600mm, and the amount of mu is 2.5kg. Third, the election site preparation. 1, the election. Choose a flat land or a gentle slope with deep soil, loose soil, medium or high fertility, and high potential for yield increase. It should not be planted on steep slopes, barren lands, and fields with serious soil erosion. 2, plough ridge. Before harvesting, timely cultivating should be performed. The depth of tillage should be 18 to 22 cm, and it should be kept in a timely manner after cultivating. The ridging should be carried out according to the predetermined sowing line spacing, planting in narrow and wide rows, ridging in narrow rows, and covering 2 rows per ridge. The ridge width is 40-50 cm and the ridge height is 7-10 cm. The best ridging and continuous laminating operations. 7 to 10 days after sowing, the first leaves of the seedlings were unearthed, and the seedlings were broken in time. It is best to put the seedlings on a sunny day without wind, and do not put the seedlings in the hot weather or on the cool days. Put the seedlings, use a knife, bamboo or wire hooks, etc., The mulch film above the seedlings will be cut through a small hole of 1 to 2 cm, and the seedlings will be led out of the membrane, and then the fine wet soil will be sealed along the base of the seedling stems. The mulch corn grows quickly in the early stage, the vegetative body is large, and the consumption of nutrients is much. In order to prevent the premature deficiencies of fertilizer deficiency that may occur in the later period, it is very important to apply fertilizer in the middle period. In the future, field management, such as pest control, artificial castration, and supplementary pollination, should be carried out earlier in the maize growing period. After corn is harvested, the waste film will be picked up and disposed of in a centralized manner.