"Enzyme" optimizes wine clarification and filtration

Abstract: The wine quality optimization and production cost were studied by pretreatment with complex pectinase and GLUCANEX before wine filtration.

During the wine making process, clarification, stabilization and filtration are all aimed at placing a clear wine on the market. First, some bad substances must be settled, and then the last important step is filtered. Long-term aging of wine in oak barrels is a good natural clarification method. At the same time, it is necessary to combine regular buckets and strictly disinfect the barrels and maintain normal free SO2 content. A simple gluing process can also satisfy the final filtration.

In most cases, wine does not have ideal brewing conditions. Many factors are difficult to regulate, leading to the breakdown of wine and the increase in cost. Therefore, producers must adapt to market restrictions and take short-term storage of stainless steel tanks. Maturity, grape hygiene, process operation - mechanical harvesting, pressing, type of wine cans, hygienic conditions, and wine style positioning are some of the main parameters. However, all of these parameters are related to colloidal substances, mainly referred to as polysaccharides. Various natural sources of polysaccharides can be found in related books. It includes polysaccharides released from the cell wall of grape skin and pulp, as well as polysaccharides derived from yeast cells (mannan) and polysaccharides derived from grapes rotted by Botrytis cinerea. The pectin and dextran in these grape juice/wine interact with other insoluble particles and re-polymerize into insoluble matter to form turbidity, thus causing difficulty in filtration and clarification.

This report examines a complex enzyme preparation, Vinoflow, which contains both pectinase activity and beta-glucanase activity, so that when using Vinofol, the pectin remains in the wine. The decomposition of dextran allows the wine to be clarified and filtered naturally and rapidly, and various tests have shown that the use of the enzyme preparation saves costs.


In wine, some macromolecular polysaccharides that have not been decomposed prevent the clarification of the wine, and the enzyme preparation containing pectinase and glucanase can be precipitated by decomposing the residual pectin and the glucan chain.

The role of the enzyme:

The use of enzyme preparations helps the wine to clarify naturally, in three stages:

1) Enzyme phase: The enzyme preparation contains pectinase and β-glucanase, which can decompose macromolecular polysaccharides.

2) Flocculation stage: The degraded polysaccharide no longer hinders the flocculation of other ingredients in the wine.

3) Settling stage: Flocculation is formed, resulting in complete and rapid precipitation.

Pectinase works very quickly, 24 hours a day. The effect of glucanase is slow and takes at least a week.

We generally recommend the use of this dual-effect complex enzyme (Vinoflow) in the late stage of alcoholic fermentation, white wine: 2-3 g / hl; red wine: 3-5 g / hl.


The final quality of the wine is reflected by the winemaker's potential quality of the grapes, and technological improvements reduce losses. Most consumers rated the wines with good clarity and no precipitation. Clarity: defined as a turbidity of less than 2 NTU and no impurities, which is generally achieved by one or several filtrations. Regardless of which filtration technique is chosen, there is an increase in cost and loss of wine quality.

Economics: Filtration requires investment (such as filters), consumables (diatomaceous earth, cardboard, filter membranes), time, labor costs, and loss of wine.

Ecological: Filters consume energy, water, and pollution.

Quality: Each time the filter removes a large amount of macromolecular substances, the body becomes thin.

Before wine bottling, if the management of the late fermentation to the filtration stage is well controlled, the stability of the polysaccharide in the wine is increased and the unstable colloidal substance is removed, it is entirely possible to clarify the wine without losing the quality of the wine. This will inevitably lead to easier filtration and improved economic efficiency, while at the same time achieving a good quality guarantee and reducing filtration costs during the brewing process. During the ripening process, regardless of our long-term and short-term aging, the action of the enzyme can promote the replenishment of natural deficiency.

Colloidal fouling during filtration:

The fouling material in the filter consists of natural macromolecular polysaccharides and proteins. These substances are mainly derived from yeast and grapes. The cause of fouling is not due to the concentration of these macromolecules, but to its natural properties. For example, those acidic polysaccharides, galacturonic acid-rhamnose from grapes, although their molecular formula is not large, affect the membrane fouling during microfiltration. The mannan protein from yeast binds to a part of β-glucan to form a silencing effect. Of course, wines containing moldy grapes also contain high molecular weight dextran that affects filtration capacity. The colloidal substances formed by the pigments in red wine interfere with the flow and participate in fouling. To confirm this, simply add the filter media manually and then see the presence of a "red line" on the filter layer in the stratified filter.

Remove the blocking colloid:

We can safely precipitate these dangerous colloidal substances through strict management. Filtration too early will increase costs, and later filtration will ensure the quality of the wine. The solution is as follows: Enhance the β-glucanase activity in the pectinase and yeast in the grapes. This avoids loss of quality when filtering fresh wines, and it is easier to filter long-aged wines, even without filtering. Of course, from an economic point of view, the addition of enzyme preparations at the late stage of fermentation is recognized as an increase in cost. So, in the next paragraph, we will prove to everyone that the use of this enzyme does not increase costs. In contrast, since the enzyme optimizes natural precipitation, the filtration efficiency is significantly improved and the filtration cost is also reduced.

Economic perspective

From 1986 to the present, many studies have been done on the efficiency of diatomaceous earth filters. First we did the experiment and got the following data (Tables 1, 2, 3). Then we summarize some trials that illustrate the problem (Table 4). Finally, we will introduce some test results using a facet filter (Table 5).

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