"Five strokes" let the pepper not die
The death of sweet peppers is a perilous problem, and the planting of sweet peppers in the high-Huai Village of Luocheng Sub-district in Shouguang City has never occurred. What's his secret? One is to dispose of the soil with a soil disinfectant before stuffy sheds. In the past few years, he had to pour water, water, and liquid soil disinfectants with water. In order to achieve better results, the mulch is covered with water. After this treatment, the bacteria in the soil will be killed. The second is spraying 3 times before and after colonization. The first round of medicine is before the colonization, with Prec 72.2% propamocarb hydrochloride (800 times solution) and the appropriate amount of rooting powder to soak the plug, both preventing disease and promoting root growth. The second round of medicine was to spray propamocarb hydrochloride and streptomycin sulfate in the farm before colonization to protect the pepper seedlings from infection by pathogens. The third pass is to spray copper preparations 2 to 3 days after the pepper is colonized to prevent bacterial diseases. The third is watering logistics. After the colonization of sweet pepper, care should be taken to conserve the root system. The autumn yak sweet peppers have high temperature and large amount of water evaporation when they are planted. They should always be watered to supplement the water needed for sweet peppers. Within 10 days after the pepper is planted, it is generally necessary to pour 3 times of water. After each watering, pay attention to scratching, increase soil permeability, and promote root growth. Fourth, the stem brush lime prevent disease. The bacteria can easily invade from the base of the sweet pepper stem, such as disease, stem rot, soft rot, etc. This is the main reason for the death of sweet pepper. When the sweet pepper stalk grows to the length of chopsticks, Su Shicheng uses lime to add water to make a paste (half a cup of quick lime in a cola can, and then add water and mix well). Brush it on the stem base of the pepper to reduce the sweet pepper Stem base disease occurs. Fifth, cover the mulching film to promote root growth. Su Shicheng said that many vegetable farmers cover the mulch just a few days after the bell pepper is planted. When the bell peppers are planted in August, the temperature inside the shed is relatively high. If the mulching film covers a higher temperature, it is not conducive to root growth, and the roots are weak and easily die. Seedling phenomenon. Su Shicheng’s experience was to cover the film in mid-October to promote deep roots. Norfloxacin Nicotinic,Veterinary Soluble Powder,Doxycycline Hcl Powder,Norfloxacin Nicotinic Soluble Powder Shandong Unovet Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. , https://www.unovetcn.com