Poultry manure is an important source of high-quality fertilizer, and chicken manure is a fine fertilizer in high-quality fertilizers. Its nutrient content is higher than that of other poultry and livestock manure, nutrients are mostly organic, easier to decompose, higher fermentation temperature; chicken manure moisture content of 50.5%, organic matter 25.5%, nitrogen 1.63%, phosphorus 1.54%, potassium 0.85%, It also contains more trace elements and vitamin B. Its content is second only to pigeon droppings, but its yield is higher than that of pigeon droppings. Each chicken produces 15 kg per year, which is 2.5 times that of pigeon droppings. Chicken manure has a wide range of sources, low cost, good application effect, and is a good flower fertilizer. The use of chicken manure in spring sowing, as a result of its long fertilizer effect, as a base fertilizer, the fertility of the year is not reduced, once and for all, and can play a role in improving the soil, is conducive to plant growth; as a top dressing application, due to a fertilizer effect of chicken manure can be maintained for about 2 months ,good results. In the early spring, chicken manure was used. It has been proved that due to its high fertilizer efficiency and stable fertility, under the same growth conditions, it has better effect than other fertilizers, and the plant growth is obviously good; the main trunk is thick, the tillers are vigorous, the leaves are thick and green, and the flower type is thick. Huge, beautiful color, long flowering period. In the storage and use of chicken manure, it should be: First, chicken manure nutrient concentration is high, easy to decompose, with particular attention to prevent the loss of nitrogen, there are two storage methods, one is to add 5% of the chicken manure Calcium Phosphate is piled in a pile after being mixed well and closed with mud. The second method is to store in a cylinder and cover the surface with water. The cylinder mouth is sealed with plastic paper, making it thoroughly fermented and cooked. It can be used after about three months. . When used as a basal fertilizer, it can be used as a base fertilizer. If it is used as top dressing, it can be diluted with water. Second, chicken manure is a hot fertilizer, the effect is good, but should be careful not to use raw fertilizer, overdose, and should master the principle of "big manure applied", when used as a base fertilizer, regardless of land, potted plants should be with flowers Keep a distance of 5 cm or more from the root to prevent fertilizer damage.
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