Genetically modified technology to cultivate healthy rice

Japanese scientists have used transgenic technology to successfully develop new rice varieties that reduce serum cholesterol levels and prevent atherosclerosis. According to the research on the agricultural biological resources of Japan's Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, this kind of paddy rice plant is cultivated by means of Agrobacterium to inject genetic material of globulin into rice. In glycinin, the lysine content is about 1 times higher than that in rice gluten, and it also lowers cholesterol in human blood. At present, this GM rice has been cultivated in the greenhouse and rice has been produced. In 2001, it will be planted in field fields for cultivation experiments. In addition, Japanese scientists are still researching and developing new healthy rice varieties that can prevent and treat diseases such as anemia, hypertension, periodontitis, diabetes, and hay fever.

Kelp Soup

The kelp soup is very convenient to eat .

Select the tender parts of the kelp, the delicious soup comes from the deep sea. After opening the paper cups, it can be soaked in boiling water for a minute, which is delicious and nutritious. Rich in nutrients needed by the human body,It can be all kinds of people, especially teenagers and young women,.It's good for health and beauty.

Kelp Soup

Kelp Soup,Kelp Broth,Wakame Seaweed Soup,Vegetarian Seaweed Soup

Shandong Haizhibao Ocean Science and Technology Co.,Ltd. ,