According to the principle of using green roughage as the main ingredient, it is appropriate to mix with concentrate feed. If the roughage is dominated by corn stalks, 1/3-1/2 premium legume forage should be used, supplemented with feed quail, and urea can be used instead of part of the feed protein. If wheat straw is the main raw material for roughage, it must be matched with legumes and supplemented with about 1 kilogram of mixed feed, including 270 grams of corn, 250 grams of barley, 200 grams of cake, 250 grams of bran, 10-20 grams of stone powder, 10 grams of salt . Add 1200-1600IUVA per cow per day. Feeds such as cottonseed cakes, rapeseed cakes, and distiller's grains are prohibited. Can not feed frozen, moldy feed. Drinking temperature is not lower than 10°C. It is necessary to prevent cows from colliding and rushing to avoid over-fertilization and insufficient exercise to promote safe delivery.
Black Garlic Paste is made of Peeled Black Garlic without supplements. The paste appears brown to black and is without any impurities. It has a rich garlic odor and it tastes sour with a hint of sweet.The paste is convenient and very easy to eat. It is usable directly after opening, eaten directly or spreaded on bread slices and biscuits.

Black Garlic Sause(Paste)
Black Garlic Sauce,Black Garlic Paste,Fermented Black Garlic Sauce,Pure Black Garlic Paste
Zhucheng Tongxi Commercial And Trade Co.,Ltd. ,