How to keep water and fertilizer in pepper garden in winter
Answer: Cao Weixian, a senior agronomist from the Yangling Association for Science and Technology and a senior agronomist at Yangling Vocational and Technical College, said that the temperature drops in winter and the amount of ground evaporation decreases, but in windy conditions, soil moisture will also be lost through capillary pores. In order to preserve water and fertilizer, it can be done by covering organic materials such as straw, weeds, leaves, etc. on the ground, which can not only reduce water evaporation, but also increase soil organic matter and nutrients (after being plowed into the soil to decompose in the coming year). The soil can also be raked and plowed before overwintering to create a granular structure, reduce ground cracks, and prevent water loss. Disclaimer: Some articles on this website are transferred from the Internet. If the legal rights of a third party are involved, please inform this website for processing. phone Eas Detacher,Security Tag Detacher,Hard Tag Remover,Eas Security Tag Remover Wenzhou Boshine Electronic Security Co. Ltd ,