Innovative technology for hand disinfection of foreign food practitioners
In developed countries such as Japan and the United States, it attaches great importance to hand disinfection and sterilization, effectively avoiding secondary pollution of food. The “small things†such as hand sanitization are as important as food quality and safety in foreign countries. Not only do they put more and more strict hygiene requirements on the quality of food itself, but also set high standards for hand disinfection of practitioners. Strict requirements have also led to a large number of innovative technologies for hand disinfection.
According to the data provided by the laboratory of Shanghai Kangjiu Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., which specializes in the research and development of food sterilization technology and equipment manufacturing: the human palm temperature is about 35 ° C, and the pH is about 5.5-7.3 (in the sweat gland, the sweat is more than one. There will be a tendency to be alkaline, the maximum pH will change to 8), the male skin is more acidic; the suitable temperature of bacteria is 16-43 ° C, the most suitable pH range is 6.5-7.5, and the metabolic rate is higher under high humidity. fast. It can be seen from the comparison that the palm is warm and moist, and the pH is suitable, which is a warm home for microorganisms. Tests have shown that the number of microorganisms per square centimeter can be up to 10 million, and it is always agglomerated, commonly known as "mildew bacteria", which has great potential for food safety.
In foreign countries, the specialization of hand disinfection technology and equipment is more than a lot of impurities; while in China, hand disinfection is a simple and negligible link, which is basically ignored. It is hoped that through the comparison of domestic and foreign practices, domestic food practitioners will be able to improve their safety production knowledge. In fact, the method of hand disinfection in foreign countries is very simple and refined. It can be summarized into three points by comparison with domestic:
First, a reasonable and effective hand disinfection process
Hand disinfection in foreign countries with 75% alcohol as the medium, the basic process is: "Induction soap machine washing hands - faucet washing - induction drying - inductive hand disinfection", enterprises that need hand and food contact, hand disinfection equipment is basically installed in The workshop is not next to the sink. However, the domestic market is diversified. A small number of enterprises are “induction soap machine washing hands – faucet washing – inductive hand disinfection – induction dryingâ€. Most enterprises use pots to soak and disinfect hands. The former does not have any secondary pollution, and the latter has a high probability of secondary pollution. The reasons for secondary pollution in China are as follows: 1. The dry cell phone itself is highly susceptible to microbial contamination, and the hot air of <60 °C may contain bacteria; After the hand, in the process of entering the workshop is also susceptible to secondary pollution of the bacteria; 3, using the basin to soak and disinfect the hands, the original need to continue to soak for 3 minutes to achieve the expected sterilization effect, but the concentration of personnel at work, mostly only symbolically Sharing a basin of disinfection water, the disinfection time is not guaranteed, and many people reuse, eventually resulting in insufficient disinfection water concentration has become a source of pollution. The reasons for not being contaminated by foreign countries are as follows: 1. Disinfect after dry hands, avoid disinfection solution from being affected by dilution of water droplets on hand, and disinfect the hands thoroughly; 2. After entering the workshop directly after hand disinfection, carry disinfectant to the workshop. Just volatilize the hand dry, just inhibit the secondary pollution of the bacteria entering the workshop; 3, this process is to reduce the flow of production workshop staff, 30-60 minutes hand re-sterilization and leave the post again to return to the original post must be disinfected to provide the theory stand by.
Second, advanced automatic hand disinfection equipment
Hand disinfection is the final process and the core step. The quality and technology of hand sanitizers is extremely important. The automatic sensor hand sterilizer selected by foreign food enterprises has the following basic functions: 1. Seat and sling design, with disinfectant recovery function; 2. Detachable three-stage bullet nozzle, good anti-blocking spray effect; 3. Equipment The outer casing is made of stainless steel to prevent the disinfectant from corroding the machine. 4. It is necessary to use a pressure pump with excellent quality, which has the strength of injection into the palm of the hand and wrinkle of the hand. The current status of the domestic market inductive hand sterilizer is: 1. The basic one is a single wall hanging machine, the outer casing is basically plastic; 2. The effect of spraying is similar to that of ordinary agricultural sprayer, soft spray; 3. Plastic nozzle and The hoses are connected, which is not convenient for troubleshooting. 4. The quality stability is worthy of scrutiny. Most products cannot pass the high-strength test of continuous spraying of 100,000 times in 3 second intervals. However, it is gratifying that the domestic high-end hand sterilizer for this type was successfully developed in Shanghai Kangjiu Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. in April this year.