ISO international valve standard, ISO standard
ISO international valve standard, ISO standard:
General requirements for ISO 4126 safety valves
Pressure test of ISO 5208 industrial valves
ISO 5209 General industrial valve logo
ISO 5210 Pt.1 Multi-turn valve drive couplings Part 1: Flange dimensions
ISO 521 0 Pt.2 Connections for multi-turn valve drives - Part 2: Connections to flanges and joints
ISO 5210 pt.3 Connections for multi-turn valve drives - Part 3: Dimensions of transmissions
ISO 5211 pt.1 Connecting parts for partial rotary valve drives - Part 1: Flange dimensions
ISO 5211 pt.2 Connections for partial rotary valve drives - Part 2: Connections to flanges and joints
ISO 5211 pt.3 Multi-turn valve drive connection
Part III: Dimensions of the transmission parts
Structural length of metal valves in ISO 5752 flanged piping systems
ISO 5996 cast iron gate valve ISO 6002 bonnet bolted steel gate valve
ISO 6552 terminology for automatic steam traps
ISO 6553 automatic steam trap logo
ISO 6554 flanged automatic steam trap structure length
Classification of ISO 6704 automatic steam traps
ISO 6948 automatic steam trap manufacturing and use characteristics test
ISO 7121 flange and butt welded steel ball valve (fourth draft recommendation)
ISO 7259 Underground cast iron gate valve operated mainly by handle
ISO 7841 Vapor Leakage Test
Standard code ANSI
Standard name A126 Gray cast iron parts for valves, flanges and fittings A181 General forged or rolled steel flanges and forged fittings Valves and parts B16.10 Structural length of iron valves B16.34 Steel valves B127.1 Constant liquid surface Oil valve
Standard code ASTM
Standard name A230 Valve oil tempered carbon spring wire quality standard A232 Valve chrome vanadium alloy steel quality standard A350 Low temperature forged or rolled carbon steel alloy steel flange forged pipe fittings, valves and parts A338 malleable cast iron flange , Pipe fittings and valves A694 High-pressure carbon steel alloy and alloy steel pipe flange fittings Forgings for valves and parts A404 High-temperature forged or rolled alloy steel pipe flanges for special heat treatment, forged pipe fittings, valves and parts A522 Forging or rolling at low temperatures 8% and 9% nickel alloy steel flanges, fittings, valves and parts
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a global non-governmental organization and a very important organization in the field of international standardization. It was established on February 23, 1947, and its predecessor was the International Federation of National Standards Associations. (ISA) and the United Nations Standards Coordination Committee (UNSCC), based in Geneva, Switzerland.
I. Organizational structure of ISO The organization of ISO includes the General Assembly, principal officials, member groups, communication members, donor members, policy development committees, councils, ISO central secretariat, special advisory group, technical administration, standard committee, Technical advisory group, technical committee, etc. ISO technical work is highly fragmented and is undertaken by more than 2,700 technical committees (TCs), subcommittees (SCs) and working groups (WGs). In these committees, industry representatives, research institutions, government authorities, consumer groups, and international organizations around the world discuss peer-to-peer collaboration as a global standardization issue. The primary responsibility for managing a technical committee is with an ISO member body (such as AFNOR, ANSI, BSI, CSBTS, DIN, SIS, etc.), which is responsible for day-to-day secretarial work. International organizations, governments or non-governmental organizations associated with ISO can participate in the work.
Second, the formation process of international standards International standards are formed by the Technical Committee (TC) and Sub-Technical Committee (SC) through six stages: the first stage: the application stage; the second stage: the preparatory stage; the third stage: the committee stage; Four phases: review phase; fifth phase: approval phase; sixth phase: release phase. If the documents obtained at the beginning are more mature, some of them can be omitted.