New Full Automatic Vertical Chemistry Analyzer Aj-1269V
Origin in
Ningxia, China. This is a kind of traditional tea makers in Chinese tea
culture. According to traditional Chinese medicine, chrysanthemums produce energy that targets the liver, spleen,
kidneys, and lungs. Chinese medicine categorizes herbs based on energetic
properties rather than the chemical ingredients. Chrysanthemum provides mildly
cold energy. Chrysanthemum has been used for hundreds of years in Chinese
medicine. People use it to treat respiratory problems, high blood
pressure, and hyperthyroidism. Fans of the flower also say it can reduce
inflammation and calm your nerves.
Cheap Chrysanthemum,High Quality Chrysanthemum,Wholesale Chrysanthemum Ningxia Shun Yuan Tang Herbal Biotech Co., Ltd. ,
Compact cabinet design-Space Efficiency
200 tests per hour-Time Efficiency
Automated testing & Low Maintenance-Operation Efficiency
150ul reagent consumption-Cost Efficiency
Getting the right answer at the first time-Laboratory Efficiency
Sampling probe
External & internal mirror polish, external & internal probe washing(reducing carry-over)
Dedicated sampling probe equipped with sensitive liquid sensor, timely feedback of reagent & sample residuals
Collision protection
Automatic probe depth adjusting
Multi-functional sample & reagent tray
80 reagent positions (40 for R1, 40 for R2)
40 sample positions, micro cup & test tube can be used
Non-stop cooling system with peltier pad inside, 24 hours 2ºC-14ºC
Bar code reader(optional)
Reaction tray
44 reaction cuvettes
Reaction volume as low as 150ul
Stable & accurate temperature(37±0.1 ºC) for reaction
High precision ceramic syringe
Sample dispensing by frequency converting design
Permanent ceramic piston
Accurate dispensing as low as 0.1ul
Excellent mixer design
Teflon coating mixer. No water dropping (reducing carry-over)
Excellent mixing effect with standard mixing procedure
Washing station
4 needles wash-station
Triple washing
Effective washing to ensure accurate result and valid diagnostics
Powerful Software
User friendly software interface simple, easy-to-operation
Sample automatic dilution(decrease, increase, normal)
Masking tests when reagent or standard is exhausted
Calibrator auto-dilution
Linear & nonlinear calibration
Multi-points calibration up to 8 points
Quality control apply to Westgard, L-T plot, Cumulative
Real- time display of running status
Real -time display of status of reagent tray, sample tray  and reaction tray
Real-time updating of reagent residuals
Real-time marking of defective cuvette
Reaction result automatic checking and warning
Calibration result automatic checking and warning
Alarm log: Automatic alarm and record in alarm list with explanations during running process
General Information
Machine type:Â Random access, open reagent & locked reagent (optional)
Test speed: Constant 200 tests/hour (mono reagent or double reagent)
Test principle:Â Colorimetric method, turbidimetry
Test method:Â 1 point end, 2 point end, Fixed-Time, Kinetics
Calibration type:Â Linear & nonlinear
Sample & Reagent Unit
Sample tray: 40 sample positions
Sample cup type: Micro cup & test tube
Reagent tray: 80 reagent positions(40 for R1 & 40 for R2)
Sample volume: 2-30ul, step by 0.1ul
Reagent volume: 20-300ul, step by 1ul
Sample & Reagent bar code reader(optional)
Reaction Unit
Reaction tray: 44 high quality plastic cuvettes
Reaction volume: 150ul-350ul
Reaction time: 10 minutes
Temperature: Peltier pad incubation system, reaction temperature (37ºC±0.1 ºC)
Cuvette washing: 3*4 steps automatic washing
Mixing System
Teflon coating mixer
Optical System
Light source: Halogen lamp      Â
Wavelength: 340nm; 405nm; 450nm; 505nm; 546nm; 578nm; 630nm; 700nm(4 more options)
Absorbance range: Â 0-4.0 Abs Â
Resolution: 0.0001 Abs
Operation System Requirements
Operation system: Windows XP & Windows 7
Interface: USB
Working Conditions
Power supply: AC 110/220V ± 10%, 50/60 Hz, 650W Â
Water consumption: 6L/hour(maximum) Â
Dimension: 650mm*700mm* 1200mm(L*W*H)