Pleurotus eryngii planting cultivation technology

Pleurotus eryngii, also known as Pleurotus ostreatus, is a large-scale large-scale toadstool in the mountains, grasslands and deserts of southern Europe, northern Africa and Central Asia. Meat is thick, crisp texture, and almond flavor, is an upscale edible fungus. Pleurotus eryngii has a suitable temperature of 23-25°C; the temperature of forming the primordium is 10-18°C, and the optimum temperature is 12-15°C; the temperature range of the development of the mushroom body is 10-21°C. Japan's factory-planted Pleurotus eryngii cultivation, its spices, bottling, sterilization, inoculation, culture, mushroom, mushroom, bottle digging and other processes are used mechanical operation, automatic control of temperature and humidity by sensors and computers, large investment High efficiency. Many ideas and technologies are worth learning from. 1, mushroom room: divided into the bacteria room, reminder bud room and mushroom room. The mushroom room is 3.5M wide, 9M long and 3.5M high. The door of each room is open to the corridor (Figure 2), and the gallery width is 2M. The wall is sprayed with polyethylene foam insulation. The mushroom racks are arranged in double rows with aisles around and in the middle for easy operation and air circulation. The fungus mushroom bed was 7 layers with 0.35m pitch; the protractor bud room and the mushroom room mushroom bed were 5 layers with a distance of 0.45M and the bottom mushroom bed was 0.25M from the ground. 2. Equipment: There are four main types of equipment: cooling, ventilation, and spray (Figure 3). Each room is equipped with a 5HP refrigerator and a 40M2 ceiling chiller; or 2 rooms equipped with a 8HP refrigeration unit and 2 40M2 ceiling chillers. Two 40W fluorescent lamps are installed on the ceiling of the reminder bud room and the mushroom room and on the vertical wall. Each room is equipped with a 45W axial-flow fan. Fresh air enters the mushroom house through the buffer chamber, and exhaust gas is discharged from the other exhaust port through the buffer chamber compartment. 3. Sawdust formulation (ratio of dry material 100kg): Dry weight of raw material containing N% Containing N% Remarks Dried wood 39kg 1.00 0.39kg Drying 85% Corncob 39kg 0.48 0.19kg Iso bran 20kg 2.20 0.44kg Isocalcium carbonate 2kg 0 0 or total lime 100kg 0 1.02kg N%=1% Sawdust is first sprayed with water. The corn cob grinds 0.3-0.5cm particles with a water content of 62%-65%. (domestic formula: 68% cotton shell, 10% bagasse, 20% wheat bran, 1% sucrose, 1% calcium carbonate, ratio of material to water 1:1.2). 4, bottling: mechanical bottling, center hole, plus filter gas cap. Use high temperature plastic baskets (16 bottles/basket). (Bag type: Polypropylene bag, width 17cm, length 36cm, thickness 0.05mm. Pack dry material 500g). 5. Sterilization: autoclave, 121°C, 1.5 hours. 6, inoculation: bottle temperature below 30 °C, sterile room inoculation. 7. Cultivation: The temperature of the chamber is 23-25°C, darkness. With the growth of mycelium, the concentration of CO2 in the bottle was gradually increased by 0.22% from the normal air amount of 0.03%. Higher concentrations of CO2 can stimulate the growth of mycelium, so a small amount of ventilation can be used during cultivation. The mycelium can be filled for 30-35 days. 8. Mushrooms: After mycelium full bottle cultured for 7-10 days, it reached a physiological maturity. At this time, the bacteria were removed, ie, the 1-1.5 cm thick aged hyphae were removed. Mechanical operation, including the opening of the cover → bacteria → rinse → buckle cover → mushroom bacteria can make the mushroom neat. 9, reminding buds: mushroom into the mushroom room, the bottle down into an empty basket, conducive to the recovery of mycelium growth, air humidity 90% -95%, temperature 12-15 °C, moderate ventilation. After the mycelium recovered and grew, the humidity dropped to 80%-85%, and the humidity was poor. The illumination was 500-800Lx, and the CO2 concentration was less than 0.1%. The buds formed in 7-10 days. If the CO2 concentration exceeds 0.1%, the mushroom body is deformed (Fig. 4). 10: Fry the mushrooms: After forming the mushroom buds, turn the baskets upward so that the bottle mouth is raised upwards, the temperature is 15-17°C, and the humidity is 90%-95%. Use a sprayer to adjust the humidity. Do not spray the mushrooms directly. When the buds grow to the size of peanuts, use a knife to spackle the deformity and part of the buds. The yield of each bag is positively related to the number of matured mushrooms. The number of mushroom buds per bag should be determined according to the market demand. In general, the yield and quality of four bags of adult mushrooms are higher. 11) Harvest: The mushroom cover is basically unfolded, and the spores are not ejected when they are ejected. When harvesting a single mushroom, the base of the handle is rotated and the mushroom is cut with a knife. Generally from the bud to mushroom 10-20 days, the factory bottle cultivation only harvested a tide (Figure 5), the conversion rate is about 50%. After harvesting machinery dig bottles to prepare for the next round of bottling. (Alternative: 500g of dried material in a single bag, the average yield of a tidal mushroom is about 250g) (conversion rate 50%); the second tidal mushroom can be grown after 10 days, and the maximum yield of two tidal mushroom bags can reach 610g A tide of up to 154% (850/550) can be achieved. Funan County Agricultural Information Center

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