Prevention of Powdery Mildew of Kidney Bean and Kidney Bean

The disease caused by the fungus Erysiphae polygoni (Erysiphae polygoni) infection, belonging to Ascomycota subsp. Erysiphe. The host range of pathogenic bacteria is very wide, including 13 families and more than 60 kinds of plants. It is an obligate parasite and has physiological differentiation. During the growth of the plant, it is harmed by its anamorphic phase and it causes conidial infestation.
Identification of the disease in the field mainly damages the leaves and produces white-powdered spots (spores, conidiophores, and mycelia) that cover the foliage. When the damage is severe, a layer of white powder forms on the leaves. At the late stage of disease, the diseased leaves gradually wither and fall off.
The cause of the disease is in cold regions where pathogens remain on the ground for winter with the closed capsular shell. In the second spring, ascospores and ascospores are produced by the closed capsule, which is infested by airflow. White-powdered spots were then generated on the victim part; the conidia of the pathogen were re-infected by airflow. Shady, warm, cool, and damp, it is beneficial to the disease, but in arid environment, poor plant growth, weak disease resistance, and sometimes the disease is more serious.
Control points Sprayed Fungicides: 25% triadimefon 2 000-fold, 45% Dakenin WP 800-1 000x, 47% Garnett WP 800x, 70% thiophanate-methyl Wet powder 1000 times, 50% sulfur suspension 200-300 times, etc., spray once every 7-10 days, a total of 2-3 times.

Vitex /chaste tree is a native of China, it blooms from late spring until early fall with long, upright spikes of pink, lilac and white flowers. Its pleasant fragrant flowers and foliage attract butterflies and bees, and it makes an excellent honey plant. Wildlife shuns the seeds, and it`s just as well because you`ll have to remove the flower spikes before they go to seed to keep the plant flowering. Chaste Tree Cultivation Chaste trees need full sun and very well-drained soil. It`s best not to plant them in soil that is rich in organic matter because organically rich soils hold too much moisture close to the roots. Chaste trees do very well in xeric gardens where water is scarce. Once established, you`ll probably never have to water a chaste tree. Inorganic mulch, such as pebbles or stones, allows the soil to dry between rains. Avoid using organic mulches such as bark, shredded wood or straw. Fertilize the plant every year or two with general-purpose fertilizer. Chaste trees freeze and die back to ground level during severe weather. This isn`t a cause for concern because they regrow quickly from the roots. Nurseries sometimes prune the plant into a small tree by removing some of the main stems and all of the lower branches; but when it regrows, it will be a multi-stemmed shrub. You`ll need to prune annually to control the shape and size and encourage branching. In addition, you should remove the flower spikes when the blossoms fade. Allowing the seeds that follow the flowers to mature reduces the number of flower spikes late in the season.

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