Rattan Rose (Photo)
This variety is provided by the Nanyang Rose base.
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Summer Camp Wolong
Chinese Rose Angela
Spectral afforestation rookie - Chinese rose climbing, climbing growth type, well-developed roots, strong resistance, rapid sprouting, strong growth, a year of germination of the main branch 7-8, each main branch is also open branches, years The highest growth rate is up to 5 meters and it has strong resistance to diseases. Extensive management, resistance to pruning, rich flower patterns, continuous flowering in four seasons, bright colors, unrestrainedness, long flowering period, rich aroma. The colors are vermilion, red, bright red, pink, golden, orange, multicolor, white, and so on. The two-year-old germinate, the whole body blossoms, and the flower head is numerous. It can form flower balls, styles, flower walls, flower sea, arches, corridors and other landscapes. .