Safety regulations for GB 5959 industrial microwave equipment

GB 5959.6-2008 Safety of electric heating devices - Part 6: Safety specification for industrial microwave heating equipment

Standard number :   GB 5959.6-2008
Chinese standard name :   Safety of electric heating systems - Part 6: Safety specification for industrial microwave heating equipment
Instead of the standard number :   GB 5959.6-1987 Safety of electric heating equipment - Part 6: Particular requirements for industrial microwave heating equipment ,
Introduction to the standard :
  GB5959 "Safety of Electric Heating Devices" has 12 parts, this part is the sixth part of GB5959. All technical content in this section is mandatory. This part is the sixth part of GB5959. This part is equivalent to the safety of IEC 60519-6:2002 electric heating devices. Part 6: Safety rules for industrial microwave heating equipment - Safety of electric heating devices - Part 6: Safety specification for industrial microwave heating equipment (Second Edition, English version). This section applies to equipment that uses microwave energy alone or uses microwave energy to industrially heat materials together with other forms of energy. This section applies to industrial microwave heating equipment operating at frequencies from 300MHz to 300GHz. This standard specifies the special safety requirements for the heating device of the electric heating device - the glass heating and melting device, which is suitable for protecting the workers and preventing electrical contact with the electric heating device of the molten glass. This part replaces GB5959.6-1987 Safety of electric heating equipment Part 6: Particular requirements for industrial microwave heating equipment - Safety of electric heating devices - Part 6: Particular requirements for industrial microwave heating equipment, The technical changes are as follows:
1) Added "1 range" to "This section applies to industrial microwave heating equipment operating at frequencies from 300 MHz to 300 GHz."
2) Added "2 Normative References".
3) "3 terms and definitions" are compared with "2 terms" in the original standard:
a) Added the following terms
———Microwave heating equipment;
———the material being processed;
———Microwave interlocking.
b) Change the “heater door” in the original standard to “appliance door”.
4) "4 nameplates and signs"
--- Change the original "product model and name" to "the model number and serial number of the equipment";
--- Deleted the original "product number";
--- Change the original "maximum voltage, microwave frequency and maximum output power of the microwave generator under stable working conditions" to "the internal maximum voltage of the microwave generator, the microwave frequency and the industrial, scientific and medical according to GB4824-2004 (ISM) Limits of electromagnetic disturbance characteristics of radio frequency equipment and the maximum output power of the microwave generator determined by the measurement method ";
--- Added "level and category according to GB4824-2004";
———Added “In addition, it should be stated that the equipment is for industrial use only”;
--- In the original standard, "the writing on the famous brand should be clear and durable. The famous brand should be installed in the eye-catching part of the main body of the microwave equipment" to be changed to "Note: For the provisions on the labeling, see GB5959.1-2005 Safety of electric heating equipment. Part 1: General requirements ";
--- Added "The instruction manual should also give the type of generator and the complete address of the manufacturer";
--- Removed the second warning mark from the original standard.
5) Added references.
International Standard Classification Number :   25.180.10
China Standard Classification Number :   K60
Standard status :   in force
Standard foreword :
  All technical content in this section is mandatory.
GB5959 "Safety of Electric Heating Devices" has the following 12 parts:
--- Part 1: General requirements;
--- Part 2: Special requirements for electric arc furnace installations;
--- Part 3: Particular requirements for induction and conductive heating devices and induction melting devices;
--- Part 4: Special requirements for resistance heating equipment;
--- Part 41: Special requirements for resistance heating equipment - glass heating and melting equipment;
---Part 5: Safety specifications for plasma devices;
---Part 6: Safety specifications for industrial microwave heating equipment;
--- Part 7: Particular requirements for devices with electron guns;
--- Part 8: Special requirements for electroslag remelting furnaces;
---Part 9: Special requirements for high frequency dielectric heating devices;
--- Part 10: Special requirements for the electrical resistance profile heating system for industrial and commercial use;
--- Part 11: Particular requirements for electromagnetic stirring, conveying or pouring devices for molten metal.
This part is the sixth part of GB5959.
This part is equivalent to the use of IEC60519-6:2002 "Safety of electric heating devices Part 6: Safety specifications for industrial microwave heating equipment" (Second Edition, English version).
This part replaces GB5959.6-1987 Safety of electric heating equipment Part 6: Particular requirements for industrial microwave heating equipment - Safety of electric heating devices - Part 6: Particular requirements for industrial microwave heating equipment, The technical changes are as follows:
1) Added in the scope of this section for industrial microwave heating equipment operating at frequencies from 300 MHz to 300 GHz.
2) Added 2 normative references.
3) 3 Terms and definitions are compared with 2 terms in the original standard:
a) Added the following terms
---Microwave heating equipment;
---Processed material;
--- Microwave interlocking.
b) Change the heater door in the original standard to the application door.
4) 4 Nameplate and logo
--- Change the original product model and name to the model number and serial number of the device;
--- Deleted the original product number;
--- Change the internal maximum voltage, microwave frequency and maximum output power of the microwave generator to microwave under the stable working condition
The internal maximum voltage of the generator, the microwave frequency, and the maximum output power of the microwave generator measured according to GB4824-2004 Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) RF equipment electromagnetic disturbance characteristics limits and measurement methods
--- Increased the grade and category according to GB4824-2004;
--- Added In addition, it should be stated that the device is for industrial use only;
--- The writing on the famous brand in the original standard should be clear and durable. Brand name should be installed in the eye-catching part of the main body of the microwave equipment. Note: For the provisions on the labeling, see GB5959.1-2005 Safety of electric heating device Part 1: General requirements ;
--- Added instructions for use should also give the type of generator and the full address of the manufacturer;
--- Removed the second warning mark from the original standard.
5) Added references.
This part was proposed by China Electrical Equipment Industry Association.
This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Industrial Electric Heating Equipment.
This section drafted by: Xi'an Electric Furnace Research Institute, Guiyang Xinqi Microwave Industry Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this section: Fan Chaoying, Wu Nengfu.
The previous versions of the standards replaced by this section are: GB5959.6-1987.

Reference standard :
  The terms in the following documents become the provisions of this part by reference to this part of GB 5959. For dated references, subsequent Amendments (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this section. However, parties to agreements based on this section are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents may be used. . For undated references, the latest edition applies to this section.
GB/T2900.23 Electrotechnical terminology industrial electric heating equipment ( GB/T2900.23-1995 Electrotechnical terminology industrial electric heating equipment , neqIEC60050-841:1983)
Safety of electric heating systems - Part 1 : General requirements - Safety of electric heating equipment - Part 1 : General requirements (IEC 60519-1:2003, IDT)
GB/T18662-2002 Method for determining the output power of industrial microwave heating equipment (eqvIEC61307:1994)
GB4824-2004 Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) Radio Frequency Equipment Electromagnetic Disturbance Characteristics Limits and Methods of Measurement Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) Radio Equipment Electromagnetic Disturbance Characteristics Limits and Methods of Measurement (CISPR11:2003, IDT)
GB/T16855.1-2005 Safety of mechanical safety control systems - Part 1 : General rules of design - Part 1 : Safety components - Part 1 : Design rules (ISO 13849-1: 1999, MOD)
GB10436-1989 Hygienic standard for microwave radiation in workplaces
GB5294-2001 Occupational exposure personal monitoring norms external exposure monitoring

Standard number of followers :   47 times
Standard upload date :   2010-9-21
Release date :   2008-03-24
Implementation date :   2009-01-01
First release date :   1987-07-28
English standard name :   Safety in electroheat installations - Part 6: Specifications for safety in industrial microwave heating equipment
Adopt international standard number :   Safety of electroheat installations - Part 6: Safety specifications for industrial microwave heating equipment , IEC 60519-6-2002
Adopt international standard name :   Safety of electric heating equipment - Part 6: Safety specification for industrial microwave heating equipment
Degree of adoption :   IDT
Adopt international standards :   IEC
Standard category :   National standard
Standard pages :   12 pages
Competent authority :   604-2 China Electrical Equipment Industry Association
Focal point :   469-121 National Industrial Electric Heating Equipment Standardization Technical Committee
Drafter :   Fan Chaoying, Wu Nengfu
Drafting unit :   Xi'an Electric Furnace Research Institute, Guiyang Xinqi Microwave Industry Co., Ltd.
File format :   PDF format (opened with Acrobat Reader after decompression) or Word version doc format
Size :   53KB