First, do a good job cooling the heatstroke. The suitable temperature for laying hens is 15-25°C. If the shepherding temperature is higher than 25°C, the egg production will decrease. Above 30°C, both egg production and feed intake have dropped dramatically. When the temperature exceeds 37°C, chickens will die of heat fainting. Summer cooling should take the following measures: (1) open chicken house to start all fans, day and night operation. (2) Water can be sprayed on the top of the house, where it can be installed with rotating sprinklers, or can be cooled with tap water. (3) Plant the tree around the house and take a shady shade. (4) Forages or lawns are planted around the house. (5) Conditional fans or air conditioners can be installed to cool down. (6) Remove excrement in time to avoid affecting heat dissipation. Second, reduce the breeding density. Small groups can be reared with 250-300 animals per group. Ground-level chicken density can be reduced to 5-7/m2 or less. Third, adjust the dietary concentration. At temperatures above 30°C, feed intake decreased by 10%-15%, and intake on hot days decreased by 30%. In summer, the proportion of energy feed should be appropriately reduced to increase the content of protein and calcium in the diet. Can increase in the diet 2% -3% of soybean cake, 2% of fish meal, 0.5% of shell powder, appropriate increase salt and green juicy feed. Use the morning and night cool timing feeding, now feed the mix, less to add ground. Fourth, provide cool drinking water. A sufficient number of drinking fountains should be placed on the hen house or sports ground, and water should be kept continuously throughout the day to make the chickens drink clean drinking water at 10-30°C. Fifth, strengthen the prevention of epidemics. According to the immunization program, do a good job of vaccination, regularly sterilize the sheds and feeding utensils, do mosquito prevention, fly prevention, rodent control and reduce stress responses.