First, the abuse of feed additives? Additives as a panacea to improve production performance, not based on the amount of feed nutrients, but the abuse of additives, not only increased the chicken feed costs, but also undermined the balance of various nutrients Economically, it is not worth the candle. Second, premature oxytocin? Not based on the development of laying hens and nutritional needs, and blindly improve the feeding standards, increase the content of nutrients, resulting in the early production of laying hens age, so that hens small body, premature aging The peak period of egg production and the duration of egg production are short, so that the egg weight and egg production rate are reduced, so that the production performance of laying hens is reduced. Third, blind introduction? Many chicken farmers have a variety of new ideas, the better, regardless of the introduction of varieties of the local natural conditions and feeding conditions and market demand. There are also some chicken farmers who only have cheaper prices and ignore the quality of their chicks. They only require generic products instead of famous products. Fourth, long-term medication? In the daily production and feeding of chickens, in order to prevent chicken disease and feeding a variety of drugs for a long time, not only cause the damage of the drugs on the kidneys and the waste of drugs, but also make a variety of bacteria Produce drug resistance, which seriously affects the subsequent treatment of the disease. V. Blind use of drugs? Many chicken farmers once they have encountered chicken disease, without veterinary personnel diagnosed, they blindly use drugs, thereby delaying the disease, not only caused the waste of drugs, food, but also increased costs. VI. Overfeeding? In the entire feeding of chickens, nutrition standards that are not required for the different growth stages of the chicken are used, and some nutrients are added blindly in the feed, resulting in imbalances in various nutrients in the feed. The growth and development of chickens. Seven, feed sudden change? Not according to common chicken feed, change the feed does not give the chicken a suitable adaptation to the transition period, but the use of sudden changes in practice, causing chicken stress response, affecting chicken growth and metabolism. VIII. Diseases, health and polyculture? In the production of chickens, the diseased chickens are not removed and segregated at any time. However, diseased chickens are still in the same house as healthy chickens, and are fed with polyculture, which leads to epidemic infection and economic loss. . Nine, heavy vaccines do not pay attention to hygienic disinfection? General chicken farmers only pay attention to timely immunization and drug treatment, but the daily cleaning of chicken sheds and ground manure disinfection can not always be cleaned, and to a variety of chicken diseases The infection has left a hidden danger, so it is of utmost importance to conduct a thorough disinfection of the chicken house, especially before a new batch of chickens is introduced. X. Ignoring the elimination of low-yield, diseased chickens Only the importance of the survival rate of chickens during the period from brooding until the production of eggs is eliminated. Weak chickens and residual chickens in chickens are not eliminated in time. Ignoring the inspection and elimination of low-yielding eggs and residual chickens not only results in feed wastage, but also reduces the benefits of raising chickens.
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Fluorine-Containing Benzonitrile
Containing Benzonitrile,Trifluoro Benzonitrile,4-Amino-3-Trifluoromethoxy,Fluorine-Containing Benzonitrile
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