A team of researchers at the University of California, Riverside, found that transgenic technology can produce large amounts of DHAR enzymes, which can significantly increase the levels of vitamin C contained in grains such as corn. This result provides new means for improving the nutritional and health value of certain daily crops. In crops, the recycling of vitamin C is mainly controlled by an enzyme called DHAR, which makes it possible to reuse vitamin C in crops. The lack of this enzyme results in the rapid loss of vitamin C in crops. Researchers speculate that if more DHAR enzymes are produced in the crop, the vitamin C content may increase accordingly. The research team will transcribe the gene coding for the DHAR enzyme isolated from wheat in maize. As a result, the content of DHAR enzyme in corn has increased nearly 100-fold. The study also found that the use of this method to cultivate vitamin C in transgenic corn leaves is also significantly increased.
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