Visual diagnosis of common fish diseases
The occurrence of fish diseases is the result of the interaction of various pathogenic factors in the external environment and the body's own response characteristics under certain conditions. Correct diagnosis is the key to curing fish diseases. Based on our years of experience in the diagnosis of fish diseases, we have come up with a set of methods for timely and accurate identification of fish diseases in the absence of diagnostic equipment in the wild. We now introduce the following and hope to help fish production. First, the visual diagnosis of common fish diseases 1. Check the body surface of fish. General experience, surface congestion, inflammation, scales off are mostly red skin disease; if the diseased fish only lid or fin base hyperemia, skin congestion is not obvious, tearing the epidermis to find muscle congestion or massive congestion is bleeding Diseased fish abdomen enlargement, anal swelling is purple, light pressure on the abdomen with a milky yellow liquid is out of enteritis; tail flank and abdomen with fire-like red spots on both sides or skin rot is a seal-like print disease; surface White cotton-like material is watery mildew; surface mucus is more and there is a small grain size, the shape of a bug-like body is rickets; the surface has a white bright spot, the bright spot disappears after two hours of water is small It has white spots on the body surface, with bleeding or red spots between the white spots; it is a zygomycosis disease; some scales are inflamed and swollen, red spots are accompanied by parasitized parasitism and are anchor head rickets; Fish fry and fingerlings swim wildly on the surface of the pond or on the water surface of the pond, and the head is congested with red spots. The death is rapid and rapid. It is usually trichodiasis; the skin of the diseased fish tail is white with white skin disease; The head or mouth of the water is noticeably white, not after the water Significantly white-headed white-billed disease; fish with labial-shaped lips protruding prominently may be caused by frequent hypoxia floating heads in the pond; diseased fish eyes protruding, and even falling off, and scales loose, usually caused by toxic in the pond; fish body The curvature may be due to the high content of heavy metal ions in the pool water or organic phosphorus poisoning. 2. Check the diseased fish flap. Open the diseased fish gill cover and check whether the sputum is abnormal or not. The normal spit silk is neat, tight and bright red. Cocoon rot whitish, tip cartilage exposed, and there is sludge and mucus, it is gill disease; bristles are white and anemia, it is likely to be mycosis or coccidiosis; The same white bug was found to be Chinese pupa; edema in the ankles, lids could not be closed, and the filaments lost bright red and pale in color for the ringworm disease; the cocoon was purple in color and was accompanied by a large amount of mucus. Caused by chlorine poisoning; cocoon is purplish red, less mucus may be caused by the pan pool due to lack of oxygen in the pond. 3. Check the fish intestine three times. Open the belly of the diseased fish and remove the intestines. The normal fish intestine is full of food or feces, and the wall of the intestine is red. If it is found that all or part of the bowel congestion is red, the intestine wall is not inflamed it is a bleeding disorder; congestive inflammation with a large amount of milky yellow mucous is enteritis; the intestine is white and the anterior segment is swollen; the intestinal wall has many white flocs Small nodules are coccidiosis or myxosporosis. Second, the similar fish disease of the naked eye identification In current aquaculture, some common fish diseases that are more prevalent and more harmful often have many similar symptoms and must be strictly differentiated before they can be treated symptomatically. 1. Identification of viral enteritis and bacterial enteritis and intraplantar amoeba disease All three fish diseases showed red intestines. The virus also causes congestion of the mouth, muscles, lids, fins, etc. The intestinal mucosa generally does not rot and fall off; the bacterial enteritis is not congested in the oral cavity; the intestinal mucosa is often festered and suppurated; there is much milky ascites; Symptoms of worms are similar to those of bacterial enteritis, but generally only in the posterior intestine. 2. Identification of Fish Diseases with White Spot Symptoms Fish diseases with white spots often have white skin disease, powdering disease (white scale disease), echinococcosis, and microsporidia. (1) White disease and powdering disease. If the dorsal fins, caudal fins, and back have white spots, the number of white spots will increase gradually as the disease progresses. The white spots will eventually spread throughout the body, making the entire body surface seem to be coated with a layer of white powder. This is a powdering disease; the white spot of white spots only Appeared at the dorsal fin base or caudal peduncle, with the development of the disease is only an enlargement of the area of ​​the white point itself, the final performance of the entire dorsal fin to the anal fin bounded by the back of the white skin. (2) Small melons and microsporidia. The diseased part of the diseased fish was observed 2-3 hours after its death. White spots were still caused by microsporidia; no white spots were caused by small melons. (3) small melon insects and powdering disease. The former looks closely and there are red spots between the white spots. 3. Identification of fish diseases with "open lid" "Clams cover open" fish diseases include trichodiasis and ringworm disease. The former has typical symptoms such as “white head and white mouth†and bright red silk. The latter has obvious edema in the ankle, and the silk is dark blue. 4. Identification of "intestinal wall swelling" fish disease Coccidiosis, paragonimiasis, Hüi's tsutsugamushi disease, Jiujiang head tsutsugamushi disease, thorns and echinococcosis, and T. chinensis have various degrees of intestinal wall swelling or intestinal blockage and other symptoms. Both paragonimiasis and Jiujiang head tsutsugamushi disease have the distinction between obstructed symptoms of not eating food and not eating. The coccidia mainly parasitizes the herring. H. acetoides and S. longipes only parasitize the sturgeon; however, the latter is usually parasitized in the foregut. In severe cases, the intestines become inflamed, swollen and ulcerated, and the intestinal wall is perforated. Thorn disease mainly harms grass carp. 5. Identification of fish diseases caused by scale uplift There are mainly larval larvae and vertical scale disease. The scales of the former scale uplift are relatively large, parasites of the parasite's skin muscles are congested and inflamed; the diseased scales with vertical scales are erected like pine cones, and the edema at the base of the scales is translucent and small-sac-like. 6. Identification of fish diseases with "irritability," "mad tour," and "jumping" phenomena This type of fish disease includes madness, Chinese scrofula, rickets, anchor head lice, and schistosomiasis. (1) Crazy and Chinese rickets. The main hazard is salmon and squid. The former diseased fish has the characteristics that the spine bends toward the back, the entire tail is extremely upturned to expose the water surface, wavy rotating motion, temporarily sinks into the water bottom, and temporarily exposes the surface of the water; the latter does not bend the spine, only the upper leaf of the caudal fin emerges from the water, and The diseased fish only spins or swims on the surface of the water body. (2) Chinese scrofula and Chinese scrofula. The former is parasitized in the gills of grass carp and bluefish. The diseased fish jumps and rests; the latter is parasitized in carp and carp carcasses, and sick fish do not generally jump. (3) Chinese rickets and rickets. Both of them have a jump phenomenon, but as long as they open the lid and observe it, they can find that there are many small white pods on the end of the former silk thread, and the masses call it "Cockroach Disease". The latter has no such symptoms. (4) Anchor head lice disease and schistosomiasis. The two also showed the irritability of the diseased fish. However, when the former is seriously infected, the fish appears to be wearing a coat of clothing. The latter also appears to be struggling in the water, sometimes with the head facing downwards and the tail facing upwards. In severe cases, the eyeball falls off into a blink. Other symptoms. 7. Identification of fish diseases that gather around the pool or attack the shore This may be a racehorse disease, pan pool, or fish poisoning caused by Tricholimus sp. The former is only around the pond and it is difficult to disperse; the pan pool generally occurs in the absence of wind, sweltering, the temperature rises, the pressure decreases, and thunder does not rain or thunderstorms occur. After the middle of the night, the entire pool fish floats on the surface. , Breathing with mouth open, or lying on the surface of the water or the head against the shore, was in a state of dying; Small Sanmajin algae disease is often the majority of fish mad chaos, general pool fish to the pool of four phlegm, driving only scattered, the condition In severe cases, the pool fish are mostly concentrated near the water surface of the pool and their heads face the shore and remain stationary. 8. Identification of Aconitum Including blue, grass carpitis and bacterial rickets. The common symptoms are dark, dark heads. The difference is that the former's abdomen is swollen with erythema, the hand touch is soft, the anus is red and swollen, and there is a milky yellow mucus outflow on the abdomen; the latter is often congested in the epidermis. It is worth noting that these two diseases often occur on the same fish body. Real Time Pcr,Pcr Dna Analysis System,Pcr Detection Medical Equipment,Real Time Pcr System Diagnostic Platform Jiangsu Dinai Bioengineering Co.,ltd. ,