Agricultural vehicles change headlights for serious damage
Disposable Blood Pressure Transducer are applied to real-time dynamic monitor the invasive blood pressure of body, such
1. Consistent and accurate readings during monitoring.
Blood Pressure Transducer Blood Pressure Transducer,Disposable Pressure Transducer,Disposable Ibp Transducer,Pressure Blood Introducer Anesthesia Medical Co., Ltd. ,
as arterial pressure, central venous pressure, pulmonary arterial pressure and left coronary arterial pressure, and transfer
the constant dynamic pressure signal to the monitoring system fo handling thus the physiological parameter of real-time
dynamic blood pressure, which provides the objective evidence for clinical diagnosis, treatment and prognosis estimate
of diseases. Such as Pressure Blood Introducer.
Product features
2. Ease-of-use with a variety of interface cables available.
3. Fully integrated flow-thru component design simplifies filling and debubbling.
4. Versatile,dual function Snap-Tap allows dynamic response testing.