What do ostriches eat?
The green-green feedstuffs that young chicks feed include quail, clover leaves, cabbage leaves, lettuce leaves, and carrots. However, the feed should be washed, dried, chopped and then fed. The chopped green and green stalks and the green feed containing residual pesticides should be banned. Feed 4 to 5 times daily. With the increase of the age of birds, the amount of feed for green feed should also be gradually increased. The amount of roughage for young ostriches up to 3 months can account for 40%, and the ostrich concentrate can still contain about 50% of grass powder, but it is necessary to prevent fine feed. Too much feeding causes the ostrich to gain too much weight and causes bones and joints to deform and develop leg problems. Since the feedstuffs eaten by ostriches can be ground in the muscles and stomachs, each of the ostriches is replenished with 4 to 5 insoluble grits washed and dried every 2 weeks after hatching. Young ostriches have a habit of eating anything. Therefore, in the feed, it is necessary to prevent the ingestion of insoluble substances such as broken glass, branches, nails, iron wire, and plastic sheeting so as to avoid indigestion, pre-gastric obstruction, or ingestion by ostriches. Incurable diseases such as stab wounds. In the evening, because the young ostriches do not live and feed, they can not feed at night. In order to facilitate feeding and management, group rearing needs to be rearranged according to body size. During the production period, the content of crude protein in compound feed for ostriches is about 20%. During this period, attention should be paid to the intake of calcium by the breeding birds. In addition to adding enough vitamins for calcium in the feed, bone powder can be set in the pens. The trough, free to eat any kind of ostrich. Management during the laying period: Female ostriches reach sexual maturity from 20 months to 30 months of age, and male ostriches are sexually mature about 6 months later than females. After splitting, 1 male and 1 female to 3 female are usually used as a breeding unit. This depends on the status of the male. The process is to introduce the female ostrich into the aviary at night and then introduce the male bird. This can reduce the number of males and females. Displacement between populations. The size of the ostrich is relatively large. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the ostrich with a relatively free range of activities at the stadium. About one square meter of breeding units will require approximately 1,000 square meters. We must prevent overweight ostriches and affect the fertility rate. Rongcheng Jingyi Oceanic Technology Company Limited , https://www.jingyifoods.cn