Application of mower in weeding in orchard
First, the lawn mower weeding principle. The mower consists of a gasoline engine, a transmission rod, and a lawn mower. The single machine weighs about 6 kg and is operated by a single person. Its working principle is: The use of gasoline engine power, through the drive system to drive the high speed rotation of the mowing wheel, so that a special polymer line installed on the turntable (draw grass rope) to adjust the rotation, generate a certain cutting force, Weeds cut off and play a role in weeding. Second, the lawn mower weeding effect 1. Higher efficiency: Generally, each lawn mower can cut more than 8667 m2 of grass per day, and its efficacy is 16 times that of manual weeding (0.5667 m2 per day). 2, better efficiency: As the lawn mower rotates fast, the cutting effect of the orchard weeds is good, especially the cutting of weeds with high tenderness is better. Generally weeding 3 times a year, basically weeding requirements. 3, reduce costs: the purchase of a lawn mower investment is 3,000 yuan, according to 500h normal use calculation, plus fuel consumption and manual operation, its weeding cost per 667m2 is 6 yuan, while manual weeding costs 667m2 each time is 40 yuan The difference between the two is 34 yuan. If we calculate the number of weeding 3 times a year, we can use lawn mowers to save more than 100 yuan per 667m2. 4. Maintaining water and soil: Artificially adopting scorpion squarrosa, since the sward grass looses the topsoil at the same time, it often causes a certain amount of water and soil loss. Artificial stalk rake on the escalator will cause serious soil erosion. The use of lawn mowers for weed control, because only the above-ground parts of the weeds are cut off, have little effect on the soil surface, and the solid-soil action of grass roots is extremely advantageous for maintaining water and soil. 5, increase fertility: the use of lawn mower weeding, to be long after the weeds to a certain height, cut off a large amount of weeds can cover the orchard, but also when the orchard's organic fertilizer, increase soil fertility. Third, the use of lawn mower technology points. Using a lawn mower to weed, the effect is better when the weed grows to 10-13 cm. If the weed grows too high, it should be divided into two steps. First, cut the upper part and then cut the part. The length of the grass rope on the lawn mower should be determined by the spacing of the orchard and the height of the weeds. If the spacing between the rows is wide and the weeds grow taller, the length of the rope should be longer, and vice versa. . When using a lawn mower, hold the handle with both hands and keep a certain inclination to one side of the fruit tree so that weeds fall as close to the fruit tree as possible. Open the throttle at a moderate speed and advance at a constant speed, which can save fuel consumption and improve work efficiency. It should also try to avoid thick weeds to prevent the straw rope from breaking. If necessary, the coarse weeds can be removed manually before using the mower to cut the grass.
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