Beef cattle "four feed" weight gain fast
Feed roughage. Cows are herbivores and should be based on roughage supplemented with concentrates. However, the quality of green hay in the agricultural areas is small, and the nutrition of feed straw is poor and the digestibility is low, and it can only play a strong role. Corn straw, wheat straw, rice straw and other roughage can be fed after silage, ammoniation, alkalization, micro-storage and other treatments, which can increase nutritional value and feed utilization. Feed urea. Urea is a good protein supplement for beef cattle. Because the rumen of cattle lives with hundreds of millions of microorganisms, it can use urea to decompose the bacterial proteins needed by cattle for cattle to absorb long meat. Feeding urea can save some protein feed, and it is a good way to solve the shortage of bovine protein feed. Urea fed beef cattle can gain about 2 kg per day. Feed rumen. Bovine ruminal feeding is mainly to reduce the degradation of protein in the rumen, increase the amount of protein passing through the rumen, promote the utilization of heat and nitrogen, and accelerate beef fattening. The daily feed amount of ruminal was 170 mg, and the average daily weight gain of beef cattle increased by 18.1%. Feed buffer. Compound buffer can significantly improve the metabolism, absorption and utilization of bovine nutrients. The use of compound buffer (66.8 g baking soda, 33.6 g dipotassium bicarbonate per 100 g) of fattening beef cattle can increase the weight gain of beef cattle by more than 12%. Dialysis Care Kit,Dialysis Nursing Kit,Disposable Dialysis Kit,Medical Disposable Dialysis Care Kit Henan Anbang Medical Supplies Co., Ltd. ,