Chickens use magic baking soda
First, improve production performance Baking soda can neutralize gastric acid to dissolve mucus and reduce the concentration of digestive juice. It has a stomachic, acid-suppressing and appetite-enhancing effect. Adding 0.4% sodium bicarbonate to the diet can increase the fertilization rate of the egg by 4%-5%; adding 0.7% sodium bicarbonate to the 2-week-old broiler diet can increase the weight by 5%-6%; The addition of 0.5%-0.8% sodium bicarbonate to layer chicken diets can significantly increase the egg production rate, and can increase eggshell thickness by about 6% and reduce egg breakage. Second, heat stress High temperatures in summer can easily cause metabolic acidosis in chickens. Adding enough sodium bicarbonate to feed can eliminate this effect and balance the blood's buffer. Tests showed that when chickens were heat stressed, 4% sodium bicarbonate was added to the feed, and the flock disability rate was reduced by half compared to no sodium bicarbonate addition. Third, maintain the body's acid-base balance The acid-base balance in chickens is mainly regulated by a buffer system, and sodium bicarbonate is the most important part of the buffer system. The use of sodium bicarbonate in chicken production should pay attention to two points: (1) All drugs or additives that are easily destroyed by alkaline, such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C and folic acid, and antibacterial and organic acids, should be avoided and carbonated Hydrogen and sodium are used together. (2) Use proper amount of sodium bicarbonate. Excessive sodium bicarbonate can cause alkalosis, and should reduce the amount of salt to avoid excessive intake of sodium in chickens. Shandong Dahua Machinery Co.,Ltd ,