Fermentation bed to be warm in winter, bacteria species and the structure of the pen is very important
Fermentation bed to be warm in winter, bacteria species and the structure of the pen is very important Through the introduction of the previous period, breeding in a fermentation bed can produce multiple economic benefits, environmental benefits, and social benefits. How can these advantages and benefits be maximized? The fermentation bed should be warm in the winter and not hot in the summer. The fermentation bed technicians pointed out that the strain and the structure of the pen house are the most important. Ningbo DOKEE Medical Technology Co., Ltd. , https://www.dokeemedical.com
First, what kind of strains made the fermentation bed, only warm in winter and cool in summer?
1. Whether the bacteria can sleep: The fermentation bed strain has a dormant function, so even if it encounters adversity (excessive moisture, dry material, antibiotics, and high copper), the bacteria can still maintain its activity and the fermentation conditions can be established immediately. Can work.
2. Whether the vigor and quantity of bacteria are strong: The microorganisms must extricate the feces to a certain order of magnitude, and they must have extremely high activity. Therefore, the bacteria content and viability of the selected strains are very important. The screening has passed the experiment of high temperature, high humidity, high pressure, high copper and high antibiotics. The strains have strong vigor and the bacteria content reaches 3.5 billion per gram.
3. Whether the flora is reasonable or not: Decomposition of fecal urine into bacterial protein, trace elements, carbon dioxide, water vapor and other substances in the fermentation bed is an extremely complex biochemical reaction. The single bacteria or simple patchwork flora cannot be completed in the long term. The task must be a natural compound strain. The flora has been screened in natural virgin forests and has been decomposing livestock and poultry manure for hundreds of millions of years.
Second, the standard fermentation bed construction, need to pay attention to what?
Answer: 1. Orientation: The structure of the pen quarters should face south and south, especially in Hunan, especially around 9°C to the south. 2. Wall height and span: The height of pig house eaves is 2.6-3.5 meters, and the length of the house is 9-13 meters. The length of one circle is 50 meters. 3. Single lap area: The best control is between 20-40 square meters, too big or too small is not good. 4. The fences are directly separated by fences to facilitate ventilation in the housing. 5. Windows: Four kinds of windows are built: skylights, windows, fan windows, and common windows. 6. Roof insulation material (such as foam) should be set to prevent overheating in summer. 7. Food troughs and drinking fountains: Automatic chutes and automatic drinkers are available. Automatic drinkers mouth towards the prohibition towards the fermentation bed, to prevent water sprayer soaking fermentation mattress material. 8. Don't leave cement tables in the pens. Even if you want to keep cement tables, the width of the cement benches should not exceed 1.2 meters to prevent pigs from pulling on the excrement.