How to pile up fermentation, pay attention to technical issues
After 2-3 days of exposing the culture materials, add 1% lime and 1% gypsum, and the ratio of material to water is 1:(1.3-1.5) to ensure the moisture content is between 65% and 70%. Mix well and make a heap on the cement. The stack height is 1 meter and the width is 1.5 meters. The length should be determined according to the amount of culture material (the material pile is too small to reach the required temperature). In order to facilitate warming, several holes in the top and bottom of the stack are used as ventilation holes, the film is covered outside the stack, and the straw is covered at night. When the material temperature rises above 60°C, keep it for 4-8 hours and turn it over. When turning, turn the material inside out; turn the material on the edge, top and bottom into the inside, wait for the stack temperature to rise above 60°C, keep it for 4-8 hours, and then turn over again. Repeat 3 Times, thorough fermentation. The sign of good leaven is that the cotton shell is brownish red. After fermentation, the 0.1% aqueous carbendazim solution was sprayed evenly with a sprayer (turning and spraying). After the above-mentioned treatment, the pest eggs and the competitive bacteria can be killed, and the contamination of diseases and insect pests can be effectively reduced. At the same time, the raw materials can be softened and matured, and the mycelia growth of Pleurotus ostreatus can be favored. During the operation, there are several technical issues to pay special attention to, otherwise it will not achieve the purpose of sterilization or culture material due to improper fermentation and decay. (1) Add more water to the material than conventional condiments. When the material is held by hand, 1-2 drops can be exuded between the finger gaps to prevent evaporation of water during fermentation. (3) Before each tumbling, the temperature of the material must reach above 60°C and maintain for 4-8 hours. Never reach the desired temperature and turn over the heap. Otherwise, not only the original bacteria in the material will not die, but also New germs are produced during the fermentation, which equals sowing of germs. (4) Carbendazim or other drugs that control bacteria are added after fermentation, because general chemicals have a drug efficacy period, fermentation takes 5-6 days, low temperature season takes 7-8 days, the beginning of the seasoning When medicines are injected, the efficacy of the strains when they are used to connect Pleurotus ostreatus is not high enough to control the growth of the bacteria. Various products of Boxes of Grade A Woleberry, providing product images and basic parameters with each goji berry and Grade A Woleberry; Wolfberry hi cool climate, strong cold resistance. When the temperature stabilized by about 7 ℃, the seed germination, seedlings can resist -3 ℃ low temperature. Boxes Of Grade A Woleberry,Pure Natural Wolfberry,Box Of Goji Berries Powder,Box Of Organic Goji Berries Ningxia ZhongYuanDa Agel Ecommerce Ltd. ,
(2) Water cannot be added during the fermentation period. If water is added in the middle of the fermentation, the culture material will rot easily.
Spring temperatures above 6 ℃, spring buds began to sprout. Wolfberry at -25 ℃ winter without frost damage. Wolfberry developed root system, ability to drought, still able to grow in the arid desert. Production for high yield, still need to ensure the supply of water, especially in the flower stage must have adequate water. Long-term hydrostatic low-lying on the growth of Lycium adversely, and even cause rotten roots or death.
Sufficient light, wolfberry branches grow robust, fruit and more fruit, large fruit, high yield, good quality. Lycium grow more in alkaline soil and sandy loam, the most suitable soil in the deep, fertile loess cultivation.
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