How to prevent spring onion convulsions?

Spring onion convulsions severely constrain the onion quality and yield. Welsh onion belongs to the chloroplast vernalization crop. When onion seedlings grow to a certain size, they will twitch and bloom under long-day conditions after the vernalization stage at low temperature.

First, the causes of scallions

1. Low temperature induces differentiation of flower buds of Welsh onion, and most varieties can be vernalized at low temperatures from 0°C to 7°C.

2. Welsh onion seedlings must grow to a certain size before they can receive low-temperature induction through the vernalization stage. The larger the seedling green body, the less the number of low-temperature days required for vernalization, and the seedlings are too small to undergo flower bud differentiation even after the low temperature stage.

3. Convulsions require a certain amount of low-temperature accumulation. In addition, when there is sufficient fertilizer and water and plant nutrients are accumulated, it is easy to pass the vernalization stage. In short, the main reason for the early onset of scallion scallion is the sowing date is too early, the seedlings are too large, and the vernalization phase passed during the winter.

Second, spring onion convulsions preventive measures

1. Select winter strong green onion varieties: strong winter varieties need more accumulated temperature through low-temperature vernalization, that is, the same plant size, after the accumulated temperature accumulation is the same, the strong winter varieties have low chance of pre-convulsions.

2. Autumn sowing should be timely and timely sowing: This measure is to control the size of the plants before winter, the smaller the seedlings, the higher the accumulated temperature required by vernalization. Therefore, under the same accumulated temperature conditions, small seedlings are not prone to pre-convulsions.

3. The use of MH, a plant growth regulator, significantly inhibited onion twitching. The spraying concentration was 300 mg/L. The spraying time was before wintering.

4. Timely harvesting: Harvesting before the onset of convulsions in green onions is the last measure to prevent spring onions from convulsing in advance.

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