Medicinal value of mushroom diet

1. Take 50 grams of glutinous rice, regular method porridge, half-cooked add 10 grams of mushrooms washed and shredded, cook until rice cooked, eat, can cure stomach heat vomiting, intestinal heat diarrhea, loss of appetite.

2. Take 6 grams of fresh mushrooms, live squid, boiled without salt, cooked fish after eating soup, can cure children with measles through hair unhappy.

3. Take 10 grams of mushrooms, Jiantang, day service 1, can cure chronic bronchitis, expectoration.

4. Take mushrooms dried into powder, warm water delivery service, each serving 3 grams, 2 servings a day, can cure uterine functional bleeding, intestinal wind blood, hemorrhoids bleeding and so on.

5. Modern medical research shows that mushrooms contain interferon-inducing agents that can induce the production of interferon, and thus have a good effect on vesicular stomatitis virus and encephalitis virus.

6. Japanese scientists extracted from the mushroom a polysaccharide with anti-cancer effects, have a certain effect on breast cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer.

7. Fresh mushroom decoction extract can treat persistent or chronic hepatitis, so liver patients should eat mushrooms.

8. Mushrooms also have the effect of lowering blood cholesterol. The antispasmodic enzyme and tyrosinase in mushrooms have the function of lowering blood pressure. Therefore, mushrooms are ideal health foods for hypertension and cardiovascular patients. In addition, the mushroom also has a certain role in lowering blood sugar, diabetes in patients with indigestion Yi Shi mushroom, because it contains a variety of enzymes such as trypsin, can break down protein and digest fat. Pharmacological studies have shown that mushroom culture fluids also have the effect of inhibiting the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, and E. coli.

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