Mobile phone turned into a microscope to quickly process pathogens
Scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) have recently developed a low-cost "cell phone microscope" that is expected to replace the bulky and expensive optical microscopes and become the leading portable digital diagnostic instrument of the future. Aydogan Ozcan, an associate professor of electrical engineering at UCLA and a member of the Nanotechnology Institute, successfully converted an ordinary cell phone into a disease using self-designed software and $10 worth of off-the-shelf hardware. Digital microscope for screening function. Simply insert the blood sample slide into the phone via the camera sensor and read the hologram in seconds. The sensor detects the contents of the slide and sends the wireless signal to the hospital or regional medical center. Under normal circumstances, the phone can detect abnormal blood cell deformation or signs of white blood cell infection. Ozcan's new invention has undoubtedly opened up new avenues for rapid processing of pathogen samples. Bahram Jalali, an applied physicist and electrical engineering professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, believes that users no longer have to The narrow field of view of the microscope lens is used for mechanical scanning of the faint faint, but the hologram is used to capture the information of all the cells at the same time. In just a few seconds, the culprit in the disease can be found in a large number of healthy cells. The search process has also become easy. It is worth mentioning that the equipment is especially suitable for remote areas lacking hospitals, technicians or diagnostic laboratories. Ordinary people can also collect medical information through mobile phone microscopes, which is especially beneficial for the diagnosis and prevention of malaria. Spice Novelties Co.,Limited ,