The type of swine fever vaccine and its use
Swine fever is a highly contagious infectious disease that often causes devastating losses to the pig industry. The most effective way to prevent swine fever is to get swine fever vaccine. In order to enable the majority of pig farmers to correctly select and effectively use the swine fever vaccine, the types of swine fever vaccine and its usage are summarized here: Kind of vaccine Currently there are three main vaccines for preventing swine fever on the market: 1. live swine fever vaccine (I) --- milk rabbit seedlings. 2. live swine fever vaccine (II) - cell seedlings. 3. Liver swine live vaccine (I) --- spleen spleen. Instructions Live swine fever vaccine (I) - Use of milking rabbits The vaccine is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. When used, the bottle was used to indicate that the head was diluted with 1 ml of sterile saline solution and the size of the pig was 1 ml. The vaccine is forbidden to be injected simultaneously with the vaccine. After the injection of the seedlings, there may be a small number of pigs that respond within 1 to 2 days but return to normal after 3 days. If allergic reactions occur after seedling injection, anti-allergic drugs such as epinephrine should be injected in time. The vaccine should be stored below -15°C and protected from light for a period of 12 months. After the vaccine is diluted, it should be placed in a refrigerated container. Icing is strictly prohibited. If the temperature is below 15°C, use it within 6 hours; if the temperature is between 15°C and 27°C, it should be used within 3 hours. The best injection time is 2 hours after eating or before eating. Liver swine live vaccine (II)—The use of cell seedlings The size of the swine vaccine can be used. The first part was labeled according to the label. Each head was diluted with 1 ml of sterile physiological saline. The size of the pigs was subcutaneously or intramuscularly injected with 1 ml. The immunity can be generated 4 days after injection and the immunization period can reach 12 months after injection. The vaccine should be stored below -15 °C, valid for 18 months. Before the injection, it should be understood that there is no epidemic in the local area. With the use of dilution, the diluted vaccine should be placed in a cool dark place and used within 2 hours. Four piglets can be vaccinated before weaning to prevent maternal antibody interference. Liver swine live vaccine (I) - The use of spleen vaccine The vaccine is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. When used, the bottle was used to indicate that the head was diluted with 1 ml of sterile saline per head, and the size of the pig was 1 ml. The vaccine should be stored below -15°C and protected from light for a period of 12 months. After the vaccine is diluted, it should be placed in a refrigerated container and icing is strictly prohibited. If the temperature is below 15°C, use it within 6 hours. If the temperature is 15°C-27°C, it should be used within 3 hours. The best injection time is 2 hours after eating or before eating. Precautions For the above three vaccines, piglets with no maternal antibodies after weaning were found in areas where there was no prevalence of swine fever. In the event of an outbreak, piglets can be injected once or twice daily between the age of 21 days, -30 days, and 65 days. Pigs that are vaccinated must be healthy and disease-free. For example, pigs should be thin and sick, and their body temperature or loss of appetite should not be injected. All kinds of injection immunization tools must be disinfected before use. Every time you inject a pig, you must replace the needle that has been boiled and sterilized. It is forbidden to use a "flying needle." The injection site should be sheared first, then disinfected with iodine, and then injected. If the above three kinds of vaccines are used in areas where swine fever occurs, they must be strictly instructed by veterinarians. After the injection, the epidemic prevention personnel should observe each day within one week. Fresh Pear For Bangladesh Market,Fresh Golden Crown Pear,Pear Crisp Early,Red Fragrant Pear Laiwu Manhing Vegetables Fruits Corporation ,