Mosaic false forsythia
Family is: Verbena family Forsythia Origin: Produced from Mexico to Brazil and the West Indies, it is widely cultivated in the south of China and the northern part is mostly potted. Morphological characteristics: Evergreen shrubs or small trees. Plant height 1 to 3 meters, branches drooping or flat, stems Quartet, green to grayish brown. Leaves opposite, ovate-elliptic or obovate, 2 to 6 cm long, with thorns above middle, papery, green. Racemes arranged in loosely conical, terminal; flowers small and usually inserted on one side of the midline, salverform; corolla blue-purple or white; florescence from May to October. Drupes, ovoid, golden yellow, clustered in bracts, shiny. Leaves opposite, with yellow or white patches, shortly stipitate, leaf blade ovate-elliptic or obovate, with coloured markings, serrate. Corolla lavender, racemes terminal or axillary; fruit orange when cooked. Growth habits: False Forsythia Warm, sunny, cool and airy environment. Slightly shade-tolerant, poor cold resistance, overwintering temperature must be above 5°C. In general, the soil can grow well. Strong germination, resistant to pruning, fast growth, optimum growth temperature 18 ~ 28 °C. Warm weather can bloom all year round. Use characteristics: False Forsythia branches are delicately stretched. The flowers are blue-violet and elegant, and they bloom year after year. The fruits of the autumn are golden, and they are born in pendulous inflorescences. They grow like a string of gold beads and are cute. They are excellent flower-viewing fruit plants. Suitable for potted plants, layout halls, venues or hanging pots fruit, can also be applied to parks, gardens, planting, or hedge, or color cultivation. The flowers and fruits can be used as cutting materials. The fruit can be used medicinally. Sweetener is a food additive that provides a sweet taste like that of sugar while containing significantly less food energy. Some sugar substitutes are natural and some are synthetic. It allows you to enjoy sweet tasting foods without the extra kilojoules from sugar. It can be beneficial for anyone trying to lose weight and control their sugar intake. Sweetener also does not contribute to tooth decay, as they are not broken down to acid by bacteria in dental plaque. Natural Sweeteners,Xylitol Sweetener,Healthy Sweeteners,Food Sweeteners SINOCHEM PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD ,
Scientific name: Durantarepensvariegata