Potato dry rot
Symptoms infect tubers. At the beginning of the disease, only localized brownish depressions appeared. After the enlargement, many wrinkled pomegranates appeared in the diseased part. They were concentric lenticular, and sometimes they grew gray-white fluffy particles, which were the fruiting bodies of the pathogen. Cut open the diseased potato can be seen hollow, the cavity filled with mycelium, the potato is turned dark brown or gray-brown, and eventually caused the entire tuber to shrink or dry rot, unbearable food. Transmission Pathways and Pathogenic Conditions Germs are overwintering in the diseased tissue or soil with mycelia or conidia. Mostly weak parasites invade wounds or buds. The bacteria can grow at 5-30°C. Poor storage conditions, poor ventilation conducive to disease. Prevention methods (1) Pay attention to drainage during the late growth period, avoid wounds when harvesting, fully dry after harvesting and then enter the pit to prevent bruising. (2) The cellar should be kept dry and ventilated. The cellar temperature should be controlled at 1-4°C, and the diseased potatoes should be eliminated in time.
The yellow mealworm is not only rich in protein, fat, polysaccharid and other organic macromolecular nutrients, but also rich in phosphorus, potassium, iron, sodium, aluminum and other trace elements. For every 100g of the yellow mealworm larvae, the protein content of dry powder is between 48% and 54%, the fat content is between 28% and 41%, and the contents of vitamin E, B1 and B2 are also high. Therefore, the yellow mealworm can provide high quality protein for the Mud, make the Mud strong and health.
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There are 9 species and varieties of pathogens. Namely, Fusarium solani (Mart.) Sacc. said Fusarium solani, F. solani var. coeruleum (Sacc.) Booth said blue variant of Fusarium solani, F. moniliforme Sheldon said F. moniliforme, F. monili-forme var. Intermedium Neish et Leggett called F. moniliforme var. Zhejiangensis Wang & Chen called F. trichotheca Zhejiang varieties, F. trichothe-cioides Wollenw. Fusarium spp., F. sporotri-chioides Sherb. F. oxysporum Schlecht. F. oxysporum Schlecht. F. oxysporum var. redolens (Wolle.) Gordon called F. oxysporum fragrant variants, are all fungi of the subphylum Aspergillus. Its proportion in Zhejiang was 28.57%, 7.14%, 21.43%, 14.29%, 3.57%, 7.14%, 7.14%, 3.57%, and 3.57%, respectively, of which Fusarium solani and Fusarium moniliforme were dominant and pathogenic. Strong.