Reducing corn tipping five measures
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Second, re-appropriate attacking and earing fertilizer corn grows to about 15 leaves, can be applied with watering mus 10 kg of urea or ammonium nitrate 10 to 15 kg. From corn heading to grain filling stage, 0.25 kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.5 kg of urea are used for 40-50 kg of water per acre, and sprayed on leaves in the afternoon for extra-root fertilization, which can significantly reduce baldness.
3. After detasseling, the consumption of water and nutrients was reduced, and the ear was thick and long, and the grain was full. At the same time, the upper air and light transmission conditions of corn were improved, photosynthetic efficiency was improved, and the damage of corn borer was reduced. The time of detasseling should be appropriate when tassels have just been removed from the parietal lobe. The number of detassels can be emasculated by an interlace or septum. Not too much, otherwise it will cause poor pollination, resulting in empty ears, especially in the 4 to 5 lines around the corn field should not be emasculated.
Fourth, artificial auxiliary pollination Artificial pollination should be carried out during the period of the Taro powder, generally 2 to 3 times. The time should be around 10 a.m. The method is two people pulling a rope, walking along the lines, so that the rope moves the tassels swinging, or pollen pollen is attached to the ear of the flower on the head, gently shaking, so that the pollen grains evenly fall on the filaments.
Fifth, cut short silk corn female flower filaments exposed after the leaves, the pollen naturally fall on the pollination of the filaments, female flowers after the powder, the filaments are shrinking. But often due to uneven filaments, the upper part of the late drawing, some filaments continue to grow without pollen, until 10 to 15 cm long. As the filaments are too long, they cover each other and affect the pollination of the underlying filaments. Therefore, the filaments should be cut short, leaving only 1.5 to 2 cm, making the filaments like bread-like or horseshoe-shaped, short and long before, conducive to pollination, can reduce baldness.