The success of genetically modified grass cultivation is not high for drought resistance

According to foreign news, Scotts, the world's largest producer of grass and turf products, is planting grass in No. 3 greenhouse in Marysville, Ohio, and is expected to make it easier for suburban residents to have a greenery dream in their own backyard. come true. The ultimate hope of Scottsdale is that the grasslands and golf courses all over the world are covered with genetically engineered weeds that are resistant to the strongest weeds, while also maintaining healthy and green grass. There are also many other experiments in the Scoaster's laboratory. For example, a grass called "low turf" by the company's scientists can make the turf grow at a slower rate, thus reducing the need for grasses and other things. Drought-resistant or lush winter grasses will not be marketed for at least three years. The Scotts company executives expect the new GM grass-planting market to generate billions of dollars in profits for the company. The United States Landscape Architecture Association appealed to the Ministry of Agriculture and asked the competent authority to order Scottox Company to suspend field trials of all new products growing grass. Shichaki, the director of the Institute, said that genetically modified plants may affect the entire native plant's biological systems. The society believes that the authorities should postpone independent risk assessments from independent companies outside the biotechnology company.

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