Thin package to fat
Super Sweet Corn, Corn Grains, Dried Corn Grains, Bird Food, Pet Food Jiangsu Tiankang Food Co., Ltd. ,
Recipe 1
In the morning, drink 1 cup warm water, about 300 ml.
Breakfast: 100 grams of whole grain porridge, 100 grams of lean meat stuffing buns.
Early morning: eat 1 fruit.
Lunch: 100 grams of rice, 100 grams of peeled chicken, 100 grams of fungus, and 100 grams of fresh vegetables.
Midnight: Eat 1 fruit.
Dinner: 100 grams of rice, 100 grams of peeled seafood, 100 grams of soy products, 100 grams of fresh vegetables.
Before going to bed: Drink 1 cup of defatted fresh milk, about 250 ml.
Recipe 2
In the morning, drink 1 cup warm water, about 300 ml.
Breakfast: fresh milk 400 ml, whole wheat bread 100 g.
Early morning: 1 fruit.
Lunch: 100 grams of rice, 100 grams of lean beef, 100 grams of fungus, 100 grams of fresh vegetables.
Midnight: 1 fruit.
Dinner: 100 grams of rice, 100 grams of peeled seafood, 100 grams of kelp, and 100 grams of fresh vegetables.
Before going to bed: 250 ml soy milk.
Recipe III
In the morning, drink 1 cup warm water, about 300 ml.
Breakfast: 400 ml soy milk, 1 egg, staple food 100 grams.
Early morning: eat 1 fruit.
Lunch: 100 grams of rice, 100 grams of liver of livestock and poultry, 100 grams of kelp, and 100 grams of fresh vegetables.
Midnight: 1 fruit.
Dinner: 100 grams of rice, peeled seafood (such as shrimp) 100 grams, 100 grams of soy products, 100 grams of fresh vegetables.
Before going to bed: Drink 1 cup of defatted milk, approximately 250 ml.
1, it is best to alternate three kinds of recipes, for foods that do not indicate a specific name can be collocation, but must control the number.
2. In the morning and afternoon fruits, it is best to choose two different varieties of fruit to avoid the same.
3, men can increase the daily staple food 50 to 100 grams or fruit 1 to 2.
4, drink 8 to 10 cups of warm water every day, about two to three liters.
5, cooking food, it is best to cook is appropriate; daily consumption of fat, it is best not to exceed 50 grams.
6, less salt, soy sauce and Other Spices, can be added vinegar.
7. At weekends, you can eat sweets such as cream cakes, ice cream, and chocolate during breakfast and lunch. However, the staple food for dinner should be moderately reduced.
Dieting lose weight ten not
Do not imitate other people's eating or standards, take medication-style eating method. It is not necessary to swallow the foods that are low in calories but not in their own taste. Combining diet foods with personal tastes is easy to maintain.
Do not eat outside meals. Less than eating time, even if hungry uncomfortable, you can only eat one apple or low-calorie food.
Do not eat one meal a day. Eating less of a meal sometimes makes you hungry and eating indiscriminately, and therefore feels tired and makes it difficult for you to continue to abide by the prescribed eating rules.
Do not avoid pasta or cereals. The fiber of the cereal won't make you fat. It swells in the stomach like the fiber of fresh vegetables, absorbs the fat in the blood and clears the stomach.
Do not eat fine foods or eat starchy foods. Eating hunger can happen quickly, eating fine foods, forcing you to eat with snacks or eat with a bigger appetite. Eating less carbs to lose weight will reduce weight quickly, but it will lose moisture and eating again will regain weight. Starch foods are indispensable for the human body. These foods have been removed during the cooking process to promote starch accumulation.
Don't replace snacks with snacks. Snacks don't reduce your meal.
Don't be satisfied with the non-staple food of polysaccharides, especially the creamy foods. It eliminates the need for chewing and does not contribute to sugar breakdown.
Do not lose interest in eating for the purpose of dieting. You should treat your meal as a kind of enjoyment and enjoy the food with ease.
Do not lose 5 kilograms in two weeks. You want to maintain physical and mental health and achieve a lasting effect. The daily reduction should not exceed 5% of your body weight.
Do not ignore the amount of alcohol consumption, 1 glass of wine = 6 pieces of sugar, alcohol and viscera in addition to alcohol damage, but also contains high calories. Content