Vegetable leaf and leaf picking
Many diseases occur in the leaves of vegetables. Therefore, it is an important part of vegetable cultivation to prevent disease in the leaves and keep the leaves clean. The leaves are the plants that produce photosynthetic products from vegetables. Only ensuring the leaves of vegetables can ensure enough photosynthetic leaf area to ensure the accumulation of photosynthetic products and produce good yields. As a result, growers now realize that as long as the leaves are good, there will be good yields and quality, and there will be good benefits. Protect the leaves against pests. Especially in wintering vegetables in greenhouses, due to high humidity in winter sheds, the diseases and insects can be particularly serious. In order to protect the leaves must be a good defense against underground pests, stems and leaves pests and diseases. It is usually a protracted struggle against dozens of pests and diseases. It needs to be applied in variety selection, shed treatment, seedling prevention, and flower protection and fruit preservation. Physical, chemical, cultivation, and artificial methods should be applied together to achieve comprehensive control. Effect. Therefore, protecting the leaves through disease prevention is a basic requirement for the production of vegetables, as long as the leaves are good and everything is fine. Sometimes pest and disease prevention, but also take an auxiliary measure is to pick leaf. Leaf picking and pest control mostly occurs when the incidence of leaves is extremely severe, and when the insects are covered with leaves, the leaves have no use value, and it is an auxiliary measure. However, many vegetable farmers have now taken leaf picking as a routine measure and found that the diseased leaves are removed, and even the habit of harvesting leaves is formed. Some of them are disease-free if they are not sick. They are all very wrong. The first mistake is that the pests cannot be prevented by picking the leaves, and the leaves are often picked. If the main measures for preventing pests are not effective, the pests and diseases are still serious. Because the diseases of vegetables once occurred in the shed, the spores or mycelium are numerous, and the removal of the leaves is only a part of the harvest. The rest is still a lot, enough to make the pests happen again. The second mistake in harvesting leaves will be a reduction in yield, and the removal of a large number of leaves will seriously affect photosynthesis, which is often more serious than pests and diseases. The production of vegetables will be greatly reduced and the quality will be deteriorated. This is why Shouguang City’s Tianliu Town, Gucheng Town, and Daotian Town’s tomatoes have been blindly deprived of leaves for too many fruits and too many fruits. The third fault is causing disease, and picking leaves has caused a lot of wounds on the stems. These wounds have created conditions for the invasion of sclerotinia and diseases, and the number of such diseases has increased. Bacteria are mostly invaded by wounds and natural orifices, so after a large number of leaves picked up by tomatoes, ulcers, myelial necrosis, and bacterial wilt also occur in large numbers. The fourth mistake is the waste of nutrients. Many of the nutrients in the leaves can be applied again. Even if the leaves that have begun to age have the effect of transferring nutrients for the growth of new shoots and fruits, early removal is a waste and the vegetables are lost. The fifth mistake is that it is difficult to improve the lighting, the removed blades are all below, and the light is mainly from the top. So a lot of picking leaves are not significantly improved under the light. Light should be removed from the appropriate thinning to enhance the transparency of the shed film, appropriate thinning, etc. to solve. The sixth mistake is difficult to improve coloring. For example, tomato coloring mainly depends on lycopene. The conversion of this substance mainly depends on the temperature. It is necessary to control the daytime temperature to be not higher than 35°C, and to be no less than 10-15°C at night. The color is naturally good, and the influence of light on it is very small. The seventh mistake undermines the source-sink relationship of vegetable physiology. For example, a tomato is made from three leaves under the first ear to produce nutrients for its growth. This constitutes a source bank unit. If these three leaves are removed prematurely, it is undoubtedly the first nutrient supply of photosynthetic nutrients cut off. . Stopping fruit and forming small fruit and hollow fruit is inevitable. At present, the first and second panicles have not yet been colored. Some people have already removed all the leaves underneath. The result of no leaves can only be a myth, so the sharp drop in production is inevitable. Third, the three leaves under the three leaves and the underground roots form a source and sink unit, and these three leaves provide nutrients for root growth. These three leaves early, no doubt the roots in a state of starvation, root growth and development blocked, which will make plants difficult to absorb the underground N, P, and trace elements, weakening the growth potential and then lead to premature aging, so common to the lower leaves early The growth of tomatoes is greatly affected, and poor quality and low yield have become inevitable. It seems that if the vegetable farmer wants to raise the crop to a high level, he must first recognize the importance of leaf protection. Do not blindly pick the leaf. Cervical Collar,Cervical Neck Collar,Medical Cervical Collar,Cervical Collar Neck Support jiangyin chenyi medical technology co.,ltd ,