What is a digital sensory drug, how do we use it?

Now, technology is everywhere in our lives. Technology has been integrated into all of our health, education, sports, transportation and all other areas of our lives to make our world a better place. The latest achievement in technology-changing life is the approval of the use of digital sensor drugs in the United States.

According to Mamms Consulting, Otsuka Pharmaceutical has been conducting research in this area for a long time. The research focus is on how to place the tracking sensor in the drug so that it can monitor whether the patient is taking the medication. The company launched a drug called ulbreaking, bipolar disorder and depression called Abilify, which made a major breakthrough. The drug is equipped with a tracking sensor built by Proteus Digital Health, which has been approved by the US health regulator.


Integrating digital sensors into medicines can make life easier for patients and doctors, safer, and longer

What is a digital sensory drug, how do we use it?

Digital sensory drug systems can help doctors monitor whether their patients are taking drugs on time. With it, the United States has created a new drug compliance monitoring system. The technology is expected to be applied to many other therapeutic areas soon.

Digital sensing drug systems are expected to be used to monitor and manage patients with complex medications. This is very beneficial for patients with heart disease and diabetes. In the United States and around the world, drug compliance is a very serious problem, that is, patients are prescribed medications on time and in accordance with the doctor's advice. This is more prevalent in patients with chronic diseases, and digital sensory drug systems are born for this purpose.


In the future, people with diabetes can take pills containing sensors to track glucose levels without having to “torture” their fingers with traditional tools.

These drugs embed digital sensors in the manufacturing process, and these sensors are only about the size of a single salt. After the patient takes the drug containing the sensor, the stomach acid infiltrates and activates the digital sensor. In the presence of gastric acid, a closed loop circuit is formed between the copper and magnesium coatings on both ends of the drug and a small amount of charge is generated. These charges can be used to send information to the patch worn on the patient's body, which then transmits this information to the APP on the smartphone. Patients and doctors can thus use smartphones to track drug intake.

How does the US FDA evaluate?

For the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), tracking drug intake in people with mental illness is very useful. It should be noted that tracking drug intake is not certain to enable patients to take their medications on time. But what is certain is that it can confirm whether the drug is taken.

The FDA fully supports the use of this new technology for drug prescriptions and will work with relevant companies to understand how this technology will help physicians and their patients. However, it is worth noting that the licensing of digital sensors in medicines began in 2012. But the first Abilify schizophrenia drug that put the sensor in the pill was launched in 2002.

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