When are premature infants changing milk and adding non-staple food
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Premature milk is an ideal baby food. Premature milk has the following advantages over normal baby milk: easy to digest, easy to absorb, and high in calories. Premature infants are immature due to the development of digestive organs such as the liver, gastrointestinal tract, and digestive enzymes. They also need additional nutrients to counteract many unpleasant environments and maintain their growth needs. Therefore, preterm infants are fed at a high level after birth. Calories and easily digested milk are the most suitable.
When the baby's weight grows to more than 3 kilograms, its physiological age is equal to that of normal full-term babies. Its gastrointestinal digestion and absorption functions have also been improved. At this time, it can be gradually replaced with normal normal milk, but it can also continue. Feed milk from preterm infants, or both.
Although the advantages of milk in premature infants are many, they are ideal baby staple foods, but they have two disadvantages:
1, the price is higher: but the average parent will not care too much about this difference, as long as it is really good for baby food on the line.
2, the purchase is not convenient: due to the use of the general market is small, not universal, so it is more difficult to buy.
Some premature infants, although weighing more than 5 kilograms, may still have chronic pulmonary lesions, poor cardiac function, gastrointestinal indigestion and other sequelae. At this time, it is absolutely beneficial to continue to feed premature infants with milk. Even some severely ill children in clinical practice, even if they have reached the age of one year old, we still recommend the use of preterm infants' milk, mainly focusing on their good digestion and absorption, high calories and nutrition.
If the doctor thinks that the baby's physical condition has progressed to the full term, the parent can safely replace him. The principle of changing milk for premature infants is gradual and slow. Every time they change, they change completely in about two weeks. Slow changes will have less effect on the baby's gastrointestinal effects; if the milk replacement is too rapid, it will easily lead to the following discomforts:
1, gastrointestinal discomfort: "diarrhea" is the most common, mostly due to the improper brewing of milk powder, and diarrhea is very detrimental to the body of premature infants.
2, body allergies: prone to itchy skin, rash, respiratory tract allergy, tracheal inflammation, coughing and other phenomena, this is mostly due to the new milk formula and the original milk formula ingredients are too large.
The way to change milk is to reduce the amount of 1 tablespoon of formula milk powder on the first day of milking, and change to 1 teaspoon of new formula milk powder. If there is no adverse reaction of the baby's gastrointestinal tract within two days, the second day can be performed again. Replace the teaspoon, if there is diarrhea, immediately return to the original brewing condition. To change milk at this rate, it will be completely replaced in about a week or two.
When the “corrective age†of a premature baby is born for four weeks, it is possible to start eating complementary foods in a gradual manner. Adding a new food at a time increases the amount of food. When the baby's gastrointestinal tract is not good, such as vomiting and diarrhea, the supplemental food is temporarily stopped until the gastrointestinal function is restored and then gradually increased.
Note: "corrected age of months": the number of months after birth minus the number of months of premature birth. For example, if the baby is now six months old, but was born two months earlier, the corrected age should be four months (six minus two). It indicates that the functional maturity of organs in the body is comparable to that of a normal four-month-old baby, so the diet is roughly the same. The normal full-term baby begins to add non-staple food after three or four months. If the doctor approves, you can also advance or delay the time by several weeks.