Attention to the treatment of corn schistosomiasis
The tumor smut disease occurs in every corn producing area in China and is an important disease in corn production. As the pathogens mainly infect the young parts of the plants, the blackish aneurysms formed will consume large amounts of nutrients, and may cause the plants to lack stalks, which will seriously affect the corn yield. The recent frequent rainfall is conducive to the infestation of pathogens and timely inspections should be conducted to ensure a good harvest of corn. Symptoms identified as the etiological agent of corn schistosomiasis is corn smut, causing localized infection. Airborne roots, stems, leaves, leaf sheaths, male flowers, and young ears of plants are all affected. The victim tissue is swollen into a sarcoma due to the stimulation of the metabolic product of the pathogen. The thin film formed by the host epidermis is covered in white or pale purple, gradually turning gray, and later turning into dark gray, and a large amount of black powder is scattered after the tumor is mature. (Bacteria teliospores). When the plant height of corn is more than 30 cm, the onset of disease occurs. Most of the strains produce fungal tumors at the base of the seedling or at the junction of the rhizomes. The diseased seedlings are distorted, and the leaf sheaths and heart-leafs are broken. Severe plants are withered early. Leaf blade damage, the formation of the bacteria tumor size bean; stem or aerial roots damage, the formation of tumors such as the size of the fist; ear damage, and more in the middle of the ear or individual grain on the formation of tumors, severe panicle formation and malformation The fungus tumor. The occurrence of regular tumor smut pathogens can be repeatedly infested during the growth of corn, and the occurrence of disease onset is 1 month before and after corn heading. Drought in the early stage of corn growth, and late rain and high humidity or wet and dry alternately, easy to disease. After a storm or hail attack, plant wounds increase, the bacteria are easy to invade, and the disease is heavy. Corn borer and other pests can transmit both spores and pathogenic bacteria, which can result in aggravation of the disease. Diseased fields are continuously planted, and the diseased bodies are not removed in time after harvest. The bacteria in the fields are abundant and the disease is heavy. The overly dense planting and partial application of nitrogenous fertilizers are heavy. Prevention measures (1) removal of tumors. If the tumor is not discolored, it should be removed early and brought out of the field to be deeply buried or incinerated. Otherwise, the black powder in the tumor (the pathogenic teliospores) will re-infect with wind and rain. (2) Strengthen cultivation and management, avoid partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, timely irrigation, timely control of corn borer and other pests, and minimize mechanical damage. (3) Chemical control. In the 10 days before the male tasseling, spraying with 50% thiram 500 to 800 times or 50% carbendazim WP 800 to 1000 times can reduce the risk of re-infestation. Canned Pepper Powder,Pepper Powder White,White Pepper Powder,Powder Pepper White jiangmen city hongsing food co., ltd. ,