Protect cows in hot weather
The recent maximum temperature in some areas of our province is between 35-37°C. The person in charge of the Provincial Animal Husbandry Promotion Center told the reporter that the dairy farmers should do the following to ensure the normal production of dairy cows in hot weather. Plant extracts are based on plants as raw materials. According to the needs of the use of the final product extracted, through a physical and chemical extraction and separation process, one or more effective ingredients in the plant are obtained and concentrated, without changing the effective ingredients. The product formed by the structure. Herbs Extract,Plant Extract,Functional Additives,Traditional Chinese Medicine PYSON Co. ,Ltd. ,
Due to the hot summer heat, the appetite of dairy cows decreased, the number of feedings decreased, and the nutrition required to maintain production was not met. Therefore, we must try to increase the feed nutrient concentration, and appropriately increase the amount of concentrate feed, the growth rate is about 10%.
During the high temperature period, the amount of energy feed should be appropriately reduced (by 8%), protein feed (by 5%) and the amount of succulent feed should be increased. Due to the hot weather, the intake of cows during the day should be reduced, and the feeding should be adjusted appropriately. The time can be increased by feeding concentrate at night when the temperature drops.
Appropriate addition of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) 50-80 g/day to the cow diet to adjust the pH in the rumen. Due to high temperature, the cow's skin evaporation increased, sodium loss with sweat, more attention should be paid to increase the amount of salt in a timely manner, under normal circumstances at 100 grams / day or so.
Summer cows' rancid rancidity led to reduced palatability. The preparation of concentrate feed should be carried out half an hour before feeding or along with feeding. It is necessary to ensure that the drinking water tank or the water supply system continues to provide water for the cows to drink freely. The drinking water should be clean and safe. A pergola or hanging double shade net should be built in the stadium to reduce direct sunlight, thereby reducing the high temperature burden on dairy cows. In the summer, the cattle bed should be flushed with cold water. When the temperature is high at noon, the number of spraying of cattle body and cowshed roof should be increased. At the same time, additional ventilation fans should be added to increase the ventilation volume and reduce the temperature inside the house. Pay attention to the observation of the spirits, appetite, digestion, and lactation of dairy cows and find out the conditions for early diagnosis and treatment.
1. According to the content of active ingredients, it can be divided into three types: effective monomer extract, standard extract and ratio extract;
2. Divided into glycosides, acids, polyphenols, polysaccharides, terpenes, flavonoids, alkaloids, etc. according to ingredients;
3. According to the product form, it can be divided into vegetable oil, extract, powder, lens, etc.
4. According to the purpose, plant extracts can be divided into natural pigment products, traditional Chinese medicine extract products, extract products and concentrated products.
There are several classifications of some of the best-selling plant extracts in the world. For example, Rhodiola, Ginkgo biloba, Ginseng extracts are used in the field of brain strengthening, nourishment, and prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's; polypeptide extracts of green tea, Citrus aurantium, apple, and bitter gourd Used in weight loss, lowering blood sugar and preventing diabetes; Paclitaxel, tea polyphenols, theanine, bioflavonoids, such as lycopene, anthocyanins, etc. are used in natural anti-cancer fields; licorice, garlic, astragalus, soybean extract Used in the field of human immune system.