How to reduce farmer nutrient loss
With the development of pollution-free agriculture, green agriculture, and organic agriculture, the status of farmyard fertilizers in fertilizers is particularly prominent. However, according to our investigation, at present, many rural households only focus on urea, diamine, and compound fertilizer, and neglect the manure and fertilizer production of the largest manure farm fertilizer in rural areas. As a result, a large number of farm manure nutrients are severely lost and the quality is poor. Some fertilizer functions. To this end, we propose the following specific manure and fertilizer measures for reference. First, reduce the loss of nutrients in livestock manure Livestock excrement from cattle, horses, quail, pigs, sheep, rabbits and other livestock is a high-quality farmyard fertilizer. The feces and urine properties of livestock are different and contain different nutrients. The nitrogen in the feces is mainly protein nitrogen, which is slow to decompose and the crop is difficult to absorb directly. It needs to undergo decomposition and transformation for a long time before the beneficial biota to become effective nutrients that the crop can easily absorb. Urinary nitrogen is in a water-soluble organic state such as urea, uric acid, and hippuric acid, and is easily converted into ammonia nitrogen that is easily absorbed by plants. The content of phosphoric acid in the feces is high, generally containing P2O50.25-0.50%, while the urine contains P2O5 is less, generally 0.06-0.12%. Urine is higher in potassium than feces. In general, urine contains K2O0.65-2.10%, while feces contain only 0.15-0.44%. Livestock urine can not only supply the nutrients needed by crops. It can also increase soil organic matter and increase soil fertility. It has been determined that: For three consecutive years, the mass of 4,000 kg or more of high-quality manure in Mushi will increase the soil organic matter content by 0.2-0.3%. Drought resistance, stress resistance and disease resistance of crops also have obvious advantages. However, in the past few years when the author was examining the countryside, he discovered that some livestock sheds were leaky and some were leaky. Some of the pits leaked water and leaked fertilizer. Some of them were dumped in the yard and were left undisturbed by the wind, sun and rain. As described above, the nitrogen in the excreta becomes volatile, and the soluble nutrients are lost as the water leaks, resulting in poor manure. It has been determined that if animal urine is not replaced in a timely manner, the nitrogen loss in a single half-month will be as high as 96%. How to reduce the loss of nutrients in livestock manure? First, to improve the bar, so as not to leak water, no leakage, easy to use washers; Second, the appropriate amount of soil, excrement and soil ratio of 1:3-4 is appropriate, should be done Qinqin Qin pad , Or once a day or every other day; Third, if the fecal urine slaughter temporarily if not used, it should immediately close the external mud seal, in order to protect the fertilizer effect. Second, reduce the loss of human urine nutrients Human urine is rich in N, P, and K. It was determined that it contained 0.5-1% of N, 50.13-0.18% of P2O, and 0.19-2.4% of K2O. The average annual urine output per adult is about 700-800 kilograms. The conversion of N, P, and D in urine into chemical fertilizers is equivalent to N18 kg and P5 kg, which is the amount of one-year total defecation. 2-3 times of nutrients. It has been determined that if human urine is left untreated, it will be stored in the tank for 60 days and N will lose about 90%. To reduce the loss of human urine nutrients is: the urine accumulation in the tank or pool, in the tank or pool must be stamped to prevent volatilization, preferably stored for 7-10 days to use, reduce the accumulation time to preserve nutrients. Third, to reduce the loss of human feces nutrients Human excrement is a large source of fertilizer in rural areas. As a fertilizer, it is estimated that about 35 million tons of fertilizer will be excreted annually (which is equivalent to 25 million tons of ammonium sulfate, 7 million tons of superphosphate, and 3 million tons of potassium sulfate). Human feces not only contains about 1% of N-rich nutrient, about 0.37% of P2O5, 2 times of nutrient content in human urine, but also about 20% of organic matter, so it not only has the function of improving soil fertility, but also improves it. Soil structure, regulate soil physical and chemical properties. Therefore, the scientific accumulation and application of human manure organic fertilizer is a highly developed science and technology today, it is still a technical measure to promote the development of modern agriculture. The best way to reduce the loss of human fecal nutrients is as follows: First, fix the toilets and septic tanks so as to prevent seepage, leaks, and rain, and seal them. Second, change the method of use. , It will be best to apply the diluted feces after dilution into the soil. The decay time is generally 6-7 days in summer, and about 15-20 days in other seasons. Thirdly, human fecal urine should be promoted separately. At present, there are two problems when storing human fecal urine in the vast rural areas of North China. The dried manure is dried, that is, human waste is mixed with soil, garbage, and dust, and then dried and mashed and then applied. Although the drying and drying of manure is convenient for storage, transportation and application, the loss of N during the drying process is quite large. According to the determination, the N loss in dry and dry summer is about 46.2%, the loss in winter is about 35.3%, and the loss in spring and autumn is about 40. %. Grass-plant dust is not a scientific move. Fourth, the accumulation of vegetation ash Due to the large amount of potassium carbonate, the plant ash is the only alkaline potassium fertilizer in farmyard manure. Human excrement and manure are both acidic organic fertilizers, so the two are counter-productive, acidic, and nutrient loss. It has been determined that after planting grass ash and human fecal urine in a ratio of 1:1.5, storage for 10 days resulted in a loss of about 27.4% of N, and a loss of about 85.9% of N in three months of storage. Therefore, in the work of composting and composting, we should vigorously advocate the single accumulation of grass ash, single deposits, and single use, and avoid pouring the ash into the organic fertilizer. Dehydrated White Onion,Dehydrated Dry Fresh Onion,New Crop Dehydrated Onion Powder,Dehydrated White Onion Minced Xinghua Dongbao Foods Co.,Ltd ,