No chemotherapy to treat leukemia! New achievements of the Chinese team published in The Lancet

No chemotherapy to treat leukemia! New achievements of the Chinese team published in The Lancet

November 06, 2018 Source: Health Times

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Recently, Professor Huang Xiaojun from Peking University People's Hospital published a research report in the international clinical tumor top magazine "Lancet Oncology" (Lancet-Oncology), introducing "oral arsenic and retinoic acid for the treatment of non-high-risk acute promyelocytic leukemia". "The results of a phase III prospective multicenter randomized controlled trial confirm that "no infusion, no chemotherapy" cures acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), providing the highest level of evidence-based medical evidence for a new era of non-high-risk APL treatment.

Acute promyelocytic leukemia is a malignant hematological disease with a serious onset. The recurrence rate of patients who rely solely on chemotherapy is high, and the overall survival is less than half. The combination of retinoic acid and arsenic in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia is a model for the promotion of original Chinese research results. The cure rate is over 90%, and the non-high risk group accounts for more than 80% of APL patients.

Previously, Huang Xiaojun's research team has confirmed for the first time in international trials that oral arsenic and intravenous arsenic have similar efficacy and safety. The results were published in the 2013 International Journal of Oncology, Journal of Clinical Oncology. ). On this basis, Huang Xiaojun's research team achieved good results in non-high-risk acute promyelocytic leukemia patients by communicating with innovative small sample prospective cohorts that did not require traditional chemotherapy drugs, no infusion, and no need to re-hospital after remission. Published in the 2014 New England Journal of Medicine.

To further confirm the effectiveness of this innovative treatment, Huang Xiaojun led a multi-center, non-inferior, open, randomized, phase 3 clinical trial conducted at 14 centers across the country. A total of 109 adult non-high-risk APL patients were enrolled in the study, 2:1 randomized to the "oral group" (oral arsenic combined with all-trans retinoic acid) and "venous group" (intravenous arsenic combined with all-trans retinoic acid). And consolidate treatment. The "oral group" had a 2-year event-free survival rate of 97%, and the "intravenous group" was 94%, confirming that the "oral group" was not inferior to the "intravenous group"; the full oral drug regimen could cure non-high-risk groups of acute promyelocytic Patients with cell leukemia do not require conventional chemotherapy.

The above results provide a high level of evidence-based medical evidence for the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia without “infusion, no chemotherapy, and only two oral medications for acute promyelocytic leukemia”. The various side effects caused by chemotherapy save patients' hospitalization for more than 4 months, greatly improving the quality of life of patients and reducing the burden of medical expenses for patients. At the same time, this research has made China's APL research firmly in the international first phalanx and has become a key force driving the development of this field.

Red Light Therapy Belt

for the led waist heating belt, it uses 650nm+850nm wavelength combination. 650nm+850nm pain relief belt is a belt product with specific functions. It may use the physical therapy principle of red light or infrared to help relieve pain.
Such belts usually have the following characteristics and possible effects:
• Pain relief: Through the irradiation of light with a specific wavelength, it may help to accelerate local blood circulation and relieve pain and inflammation in the waist or other parts.
• Promote recovery: It may help muscle recovery and improve muscle elasticity.
• Easy to use: Generally small and light, rechargeable and portable, easy to carry, and can be used for physical therapy anytime and anywhere.
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For Suyzeko portable red infrared light therapy belt:
About our portable red light infrared belt, it was developed and put on the market in 2015. Compared with ordinary LED waist heating belt, it has the following characteristics:
1. We use silicone material as the surface, compared with pvc material, our red light belt surface is softer and skin-friendly, it will not produce creases, wear-resistant and not easy to break. Whether you use it yourself or for your pet, it can fit perfectly and is easy to clean. You can clean it with a wet rag because it has waterproof properties.
2. We designed a frequency pulse light mode of 147hz 294hz 587hz 1174hz 4625hz cycle, and the treatment will stop automatically after 30 minutes. Compared with ordinary continuous wave treatment, it is more powerful.
3. We use oily circuit board, which can be folded 360 degrees. It can be used for pain therapy in various parts of the body, whether it is waist strain pain caused by long-term sitting in the office; stiff shoulder and neck fatigue; or arm, knee and other injuries caused by exercise, you can use the straps we give you to fix the red light pad to the part you need to treat.
4. We are equipped with a USB connection cable, which can be a good partner for your travel. You can use a mobile power supply to treat anytime and anywhere.
850nm and 660nm waves. These have been proven to: stimulate acupuncture points, increase blood circulation and help with antioxidant enzyme release. Phototherapy in this spectrum also promotes muscle relaxation and generally facilitates pain reduction, stimulates fibroblast and collagen production, increases lymphatic drainage, and reduces swelling, inflammation and bruising- bringing relief to athletes, sufferers of arthritis, and those with chronic pain.

The energy can flow through the body and interact with damaged cells in many parts of the body operating more like a vitamin that goes where it needs to go. This wavelength is also best for treating the lymph system and acupuncture points. Whereas studies show near-infrared wavelengths in the 850 nm penetrate deeper through skin and bone for relief of chronic pain.

As with red light therapy, near infrared light therapy does not mask the symptoms of pain, it encourages the healing of the actual cause of the pain. Once absorbed, the light energy kicks off a whole series of metabolic events, stimulating the body`s natural processes on a cellular level. There is an increase in blood flow, allowing the parts of the body to receive the oxygen and nutrients they need in order to function more effectively. Regeneration is stimulated. Inflammation and pain are reduced.

In many cases, after a course of treatment with red infrared light, the pain is gone.

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