Persimmon Shaping
224. What are the characteristics of the branches of persimmon trees and how are they related to plastic trimming? The persimmon tree is a deciduous tree with a tall tree, a tree opening and a long life. The results will begin 4-5 years after grafting, and will reach fruitful stage in 10-12 years. The most fruitful result will be in 20-50 years and the economic age will be more than 100 years. The trunk of persimmon is strong, the young tree grows vigorously, the top bud has strong germination power, the layer is obvious, the new shoot has a large amount of growth, and the branching angle is small. As a result, the tree vigor gradually eased, the growth of new shoots gradually decreased, and the stratification became less and less significant. With the increase of tree age and the increase of yield, Shuzi continues to open. The growth of new shoots is dominated by spring. In addition to young and vigorous shoots growing 2-3 times a year, the normally mature persimmon trees grow only once a year. Persimmon shoot tip has blight. According to the characteristics of persimmon tree growth and the differences between persimmon varieties, evacuation layered, natural semi-circular, and naturally happy-shaped pruning are currently used in production. 225. What are the types of branches and buds of persimmon trees? Persimmon twigs in their late growth period, the young tip of the terminus wilted and fell off on its own, so there were no true apical shoots on the branches. The so-called "top bud" is actually the first lateral bud at the top of the shoot, namely the pseudo-top bud. Persimmon tree buds can be divided into flower buds, leaf buds, latent buds and accessory buds. Persimmon flower buds are mixed buds, hypertrophied, plump, and are planted on the top 1-3 of robust and robust annual branches; the second year of spring germination, the resulting shoots are drawn, and the resulting branches bloom. The leaf buds are relatively thin and are born on the top of the resulting shoots and in the middle of the resulting mother shoots. The latent buds are buds that were born in the lower part of the branches that did not germinate in the current year and have a long life span; they can germinate after being stimulated and can produce strong shoots. Under the scales on both sides of the base of the shoot, there are a pair of sub buds that are in a latent state. They are large and obvious, and generally do not germinate. Once germinated, they form robust shoots. The accessory buds are the main source of the ready branches and leggy branches, and are also the basis for the old trees to be renewed and re-formed. The branches of the persimmon tree have the result of mother branch, result branch, development branch and leggy branch. Results The mother shoots are shoots with mixed shoots and branches that can be bred after the second year of germination. They have a strong growth potential and are usually 10-30 cm in length. They are mostly born in the middle and upper parts of the two-year-old shoots. The result is a new shoot that can be flowered after the flower bud has been germinated, and is born at the top 2-3 of the resulting mother shoot. As a result, the middle part of the shoots bloomed, and no buds in the leaves became blind. Only on the vigorously growing tree can flower buds be formed on the top of the branches and become the result of the next year; the weak branches of weak trees form the leaf buds. Developmental branches refer to shoots that can only shoot long leaves and can't flower, resulting from the sprouting of leaf buds, latent buds or sub buds. Inconsistent length of development branches, the elderly up to 40 to 50 cm, short only 3-5 cm; generally less than 10 cm for the thin branches, it can not form flower buds, affecting light and consume nutrients, pruning should be promptly removed. Excessive shoots grow too prosperous, with large leaves, long internodes, and unfilled, usually standing upright and growing up to 100 cm in length; most of them are stimulated by latent buds and accessory buds on the top buds or large branches of erect development branches. . Some species, such as Mopan persimmon, have newer branches that resemble anthropomorphic twigs, but flower buds can also form at the top, which can become the result of the leap year. 226. What are the results of the persimmon tree? {It is a polymorphous flower and fruit tree with female, male and bisexual flowers. Persimmon female flowers solitary, stamens degenerate, and many consecutively born in the fruiting branches between the 3rd and 8th leaves; the results usually have 4-5 on the branches, more than 10 more flowers, less 1-3. As a result, the number of flowering branches is related to the strength of the resulting mother branch and the resulting branching position. The persimmon tree has strong fruiting habits, and as a result of robustness, the result of mother tree sprouting is also strong, and there are many female flowers that are born. On the contrary, as a result of weak growth, the result of branching on the mother branch is also weak, and there are also fewer female flowers. From the position, the result is that the branches at the apex of the resulting mother tree grow stronger and have more female flowers. The lower part of the flower buds on the lower side has weaker branches and fewer female flowers. Therefore, the pruning of the branches of the persimmon tree should be weak and strong. Persimmon female flowers can form seedless fruits on their own without pollination and fertilization, that is, parthenocarpy. Persimmon male flowers only have stamens, and the pistil is degraded. The flowers are bell-shaped and the clusters are sequenced. Each order is 1-4, and they are mostly born on the shoots of the weak annual branch. The bisexual flower is a complete flower, with pistil and stamen in the flower, but the seed setting rate is very low and the fruit is small. There are three types of persimmon trees: female and male and female. In the same persimmon tree, only the female plants bearing female flowers are called female cultivars. The vast majority of cultivars in China are of this type. In the same planting tree, both male and female flowers are called male and female. Cultured trees {Trees rarely belong to this type; female and male flowers and male and female flowers called female and male hybrids on a persimmon tree at the same time. This type is more common in wild persimmon trees. 227. {Tree evacuation hierarchical tree structure? The evacuation layered shape is suitable for varieties with strong dryness, few branches, standing upright in trees, and obvious layering. The tree is usually 5-6 meters high and about 1 meter high. When the inter-grand cell time is used, the trunk can be properly increased but it does not exceed 1.5 meters. There are obvious central stems, 5-8 main branches, arranged in layers in the center stem, the main branch vertical angle of 50-70 degrees is appropriate. There are 3-4 primary branches, 2–3 primary branches, and 3 primary branches. The main branches of each floor are scattered and scattered, with no overlap between the upper and lower sides. The distance between the main branch within the first layer is 40-50 cm and that within the second main branch is about 30 cm. The distance between the main branch of the second layer and the main branch of the first layer is about 100 cm. The distance between the third main branch and the second main branch is about 70 cm. The main branches were planted with lateral branches on the first main branch with 2-3 lateral branches, the second main branch with 1-2 lateral branches, and the third main branch with one lateral branch or only the remaining branch with no branchlets left. The distance between two adjacent side branches is about 60 cm and it is not on the same side of the main branch. The branching angle between the lateral branch and the main branch is preferably about 50 degrees. 228. Persimmon natural semicircular tree structure how? {{The natural semicircle of the tree has no obvious center stem, and there is no obvious hierarchy. It is suitable for the species with open tree posture and insignificant apical dominance. Natural semi-circular trees are about 5 meters high and 1 meter high. There are 3-5 main branches scattered on the main trunk. The distance between two adjacent main branches is 20-30 centimeters. The main branches do not overlap with each other; Basically the same. The main branch has a vertical angle of 40-45 degrees and grows diagonally upward. For each main branch, 2-3 lateral branches were selected, and the branching angle between the lateral branch and the main branch was about 50 degrees. The branches on both sides are 60 cm apart, and the direction of birth on the main branch is opposite. Lateral arrangement of lateral branches results in a branch group and a resulting mother branch. 229. {When the tree was trimmed? Persimmon tree pruning is performed during the growing season, which can ease tree vigor, increase branching, promote flowering and result. Summer shears are mainly used for saplings, overgrowth of trees, and renewal of old trees. Measures include topping, softening branches, girdling, ring carving, and thinning. Persimmon tree pruning can be carried out from the fallen leaves to the second spring before germination. However, persimmons are poor in cold resistance, and premature pruning is not conducive to safe wintering. In northern parts of the country, pruning begins after the severe winter in winter. 230. Evacuation layered saplings how to prune? Using evacuation layered persimmon trees, seedlings with strong and robust seedlings can be cut and dried at a distance of 1.2 meters from the ground. Normal or weak growth can be done without pruning and allowing them to grow naturally. One year later, a top branch standing upright at the top was selected as the center stem, and a short cut was made. The cut length was 2/3-3/4 of the original length of the shoot. Select three branches from the branches to be more robust, with the appropriate direction, position, and angle as the first main branch, with a length of 40-60 cm, leaving the bud out of the cuttings, and the horizontal angle between the three main branches is 120. degree. Other branches should be kept as far as possible without affecting the plasticity, in order to increase the amount of foliage, and the excessively strong or strong branches of the auxiliary tree should be cut off in time. Two to three years after planting, the main branch of the second layer shall be reserved at a distance of about 100 centimeters from the main branch of the first layer on the center of the stem, and 1-2 lateral branches shall be selected and cultured on the main branch of the first layer. After 4-5 years of planting, the main branch of the third layer may be selected at a distance of 70 cm from the main branch of the second layer. At the same time, the lateral branches are cultivated and selected at the appropriate positions of the main branches, and are left between the layers and on the main branch. Auxiliary branches and fruiting branches. After 5-6 years of election and training can be basically shaped. In the process of shaping, attention must be paid to balancing the tree vigor. The affiliation between branches at all levels must be clear. The upper and lower branches must not overlap. The same level of branch growth must be basically the same. The two adjacent main branches in the same layer should preferably maintain a distance of about 20 centimeters on the main trunk. At the same time, attention must be paid to opening the main branch angle. 231. Natural semicircular saplings how to prune? Persimmon trees with natural semi-circular pruning are cut and dried at about 1 m from the ground after germination in the spring before planting. After each winter cut, 30-40 cm of the center dry stem is cut off; Good selection of good, good angles as the main branches of the cultivation, the cut length is generally 40-60 cm, or 2/3 of the original branch length. After 2-3 years, you can cultivate in the center dry 3-5 A patchwork growth, ideally oriented main branch. In order to open the angle and prevent the head from growing, the center of the sapling can be temporarily retained, but the growth should be controlled by using short cuts or promoting the result of flower formation. After the canopy is initially formed, the center stem is sawn off from the base. While selecting and maintaining the main branches, lateral branches should be cultivated according to the requirements of the tree. Each main branch should generally maintain 2-3 lateral branches. Between the two adjacent branches to maintain a distance of 5O-60 cm, and arranged on both sides of the main branch. The branching angle between the lateral branch and the main branch is about 50 degrees, preferably the anticline side. Auxiliary branches and resultant branch groups were cultured on the main branches and lateral branches. 232. What is the pruning task of the persimmon tree in the early fruit period? After the persimmon tree is planted, the results usually start in about 4 years, and in about 12 years, they reach the full fruit period. The initial result of the persimmon tree skeleton has basically been formed, and the tree vigor is more robust. As the backbone branches continue to extend outwards and the amount of foliage increases, the canopy expands rapidly, and the yield increases year by year. The tree posture gradually opens. In the early fruit period, persimmon tree pruning should pay attention to the balance of tree vigor and the affiliation of all levels of bone branches in order to maintain a strong tree vigor. At the same time, we must continue to expand the canopy, increase the number of branches, and constantly increase production. According to the habit of the growth of the persimmon tree, the pruning should be based mainly on sparse, supplemented by a short cut, and appropriate retraction. Do not only have enough result branches, but also have a certain number of ready branches. 233. Early fruit period? {How to trim the tree? In order to enlarge the canopy and increase branching, the extension branches of the primary lateral branches of the persimmon tree and the robust development branches on the main lateral branches of the early fruit period should be appropriately shortened in order to enhance the tree vigor; the length of the clipping is generally about 2/3 of the length of the original branches. A 20-40 cm long developmental branch is the most likely to draw the resulting mother branch and is generally not cut. If you want to control the number of resulting mother branches, you can cut the longer branches to 1/3. The weak development branches born at the base of the big branches and the inner branches should be removed in time to reduce the consumption of nutrients. Squeezing, crossing, overlapping branches need to be between sulfur or retraction to facilitate ventilation. The persimmon tree is the result of strong branching. As a result, the stronger the mother branch is, the stronger the ability to draw the resulting branch, and the higher the fruit setting rate. Therefore, it should cultivate a robust mother tree. {{The flower buds of the tree are grown on the top 1-3 of the resulting mother branch; in order not to damage the flower buds, the mother branches are generally not truncated when trimmed. The result of growing densely squeezed mother branches can be taken to weaken the strong method of sparse, so that the resulting mother branches to maintain a certain distance. If the resulting mother branch is in excess, the excess resulting mother branch may be shortened as a preparation branch; the method of cutting is to leave 3-5 bases of the weak growth stump, and the strong growth person cuts off 2/3 of the original branch length. The result of overgrowth of the mother branch, in the case of many lateral flower buds, can cut off the top 1-2 sections of flower buds, in order to reduce the number of branches in the next year, and reduce the result site. After the flowering, no fruiting branches (falling twigs) were treated by developmental branches. Strongly growing, well-developed fruiting branches can also form flower buds and produce continuous results, which should be trimmed according to the resulting mother branches. The relatively weak growth branches, which rarely form flower buds, should be cut where there are substantial lateral buds below the fruit setting site. If the result does not have good lateral buds below the fruit-bearing site, leave a 1-2 cm short cut at the base of the resulting branch to encourage sprouting of the secondary buds to form shoots. In the early fruit period, the branches of the persimmon tree grow upright, the organization is not full, and the tree shape is easily disturbed. The use value is not large. Generally, it should be cut off from the base; in the place where the branch is missing, it can also be shortened to cultivate the branch and fill the air. 234. What are the pruning tasks of the persimmon tree during the fruit period? {{The tree grows for 10-12 years and enters into a fruitful period with the most results in 20-50 years. Under the conditions of good cultivation and management, the economic age can be maintained for more than 100 years. In the fruit period, {trees have been shaped, the tree poses open, the canopy expands slowly, and the tree vigor is relatively stable. With the increase of tree age and the increase of branches, the crown becomes increasingly closed. Due to a large number of consecutive years, the lower branches gradually died, the bald lamellae, and the resulting parts moved outwards. Strong and weak on the tree body, sprouting buds within the bud, there is a natural update. In this period, if there is insufficient fertilizer and poor management, the tree vigor will soon weaken and appear to be big and small. The pruning task of the fruit tree is to control the height of the tree, promote the growth of the lower part, and sparse or retract excessive branches, open the light path to improve the light. Reasonably arrange the results of the mother to maintain the tree, maintain the tree potential and extend the results of years. 235. Fruit period? {How does the tree be pruned? In light of the result that the persimmon tree is prosperous, it is likely to be strong, weak, with many branches and canopy closure. In pruning, firstly, the tree that grows too much is dropped and the tree height is gradually controlled within 6 meters to promote the lower layers. The growth of branches, excessive branches can be properly retracted or removed, to attract light into the pupa, improve the internal lighting conditions, promote the initiation of shoots within the internal malleolus; the main branches, lateral branches should maintain a good affiliation; and prevent the main and lateral branches Overextension of the head; large branches that have become weakened gradually retract, replace the original head with a strong branch that is obliquely outward at the rear to increase its growth; large branches that have been bent downwards can be left obliquely upward at the bend The strong branches, sawing off the sagging part, raised the big branch angle to enhance the tree vigor. The pruning method for the fruiting branches of the persimmon tree in the full fruit period is to leave weak and strong to concentrate the nutrients and to use the results of the strong branch. In order to overcome the phenomenon of size and annual results, the resulting mother branches must be carefully pruned; the method of “every three cuts†may be adopted, that is, from the three result mother branches, two relatively robust year results are selected; the other base stays 2-3 The buds were either cut 1-2 cm from the base and used as a ready shoot. In the second year, two sub buds at the base of the preparatory shoots germinated to form a new result, the result of the coming year. As a result of consecutive years, the branches with weak growth potential can be retracted to the branches of 2-3 years old and re-cultivated into robust branches; overgrowth, cross-over, overlapping branches and branches should be promptly removed or returned. Shrink. When removing 3-5-year-old shoots, it is best to leave short stubs of about 2 cm to stimulate sprouting of the secondary buds. The shoots, dry and diseased shoots in the canopy should all be removed. The leggy shoots that the guilty sprouts can be used in situations where space is available, that is, adopting summer topping or winter short cuts to promote branching and cultivating the result branches. The space-free leggy branches should be removed. 236. Aging period? {How are trees pruned? In the persimmon tree that has entered the aging period, the growth of the new shoot is very small, and almost ceases growth. The inner part of the baldness is bare, and the resulting part is severely relocated; the branches are thin; the yield is greatly reduced, and even the crop is not harvested. The pruning task of the aging persimmon tree is to update the tree crown, restore the tree vigor, and extend the result of the year as much as possible. According to the degree of the persimmon tree's Yuan Lao, the renewal severity is determined, generally mild mild aging, light retraction, severe relapse of aging, partial retraction of local aging, and resilience of whole tree aging. The old tree is updated in two ways: full tree update and rotation update. The whole tree is renewed within a year and all the big branches are reclaimed at the place where they were born in the 5-7 year period. The newly emerged branches are picked up in the summer to promote their occurrence of 2-3 branches; the overly dense branches that are sprouted should be used to stay weak and stay strong. The method sparse; cultivate new results sites. After 3-4 years of this update, you can restore tree vigor and start the result. The rotation update is to use 2-3 years to replace the major branches. This kind of updating method is more flexible and the loss of production is also relatively small. The extremely aged persimmon tree can be retracted in the middle and lower parts of the main branch in order to save its life. It is a compelling way for the tree to recover slowly, have large wounds, do not heal easily, and even cause decay in the xylem. The new shoots that are regenerated after the old trees are rejuvenated need to be trimmed in summer; the new shoots that are used as the main branch must pay attention to the opening angle and extend outwards; the others should pick their hearts and soften them so as to restore the production as soon as possible. 237. Let's grow? {How to trim the tree? The persimmon trees that are not pruned for years and allowed to grow are generally expressed as: tall trees, strong and weak, large branches, overlapping and interspersed with each other, thin branches, bald guilt, shifting of the resulting parts, dead branches, serious diseases and pests. The output is low and unstable. Pruning trees that are allowed to grow should be gradually transformed in accordance with the principle of pruning trees and shaping them with branches. The strong and weak, and the excessively high persimmon trees should be controlled and promoted. In the branch with the branches, the head should be gradually dropped. Finally, the height of the tree should be controlled below 6 meters so that the glaze can be released and the growth of the lower branches can be promoted. If there are too many big branches and densely growing trees, a large number of large branches should be removed to make the outside light reach inside and promote the growth of the inner litchi. In order to prevent the weakening of the tree due to excessive wounds, the large branches can be gradually retracted in stages and finally sawn. On the remaining branch, we must pay attention to cultivating, selecting the remaining branch and the resulting branch group. The large branches that are sagging at the tip of the head should be retracted, and the head should be raised again using the upper branch. Weak branches, dense branches, cross branches, overlapping branches, etc. must be retracted and sparse, reduce nutrient consumption, and improve internal lighting conditions. The branches and dead stems should be cut off from the base. After the tree is reformed, new techniques that can be initiated can be used to cultivate the resulting mother tree in the summer, with heart-pickup, strength-remaining-weakness, sparseness-binding, heavy short stub branching, and multiple remaining branches. The budding leggy branches should be used rationally and excessively sparsely. 238. How does the persimmon tree cut in summer? {Tree pruning in summer is the pruning of the growing season, including the work of wiping up buds, picking hearts, softening, and girdling. Tufting is the removal of unwanted sprouts and shoots in the spring. The newly planted saplings can be removed after the sprouting of the orthopedic zone; the inappropriate leggy branches of the big tree should be removed early in the sprouting period to reduce the consumption and prevent disturbing the tree shape. In addition to the shaded shoots near the kerfs and the bent branches, except for the branches that are left blank, the remaining ones should be erased in time. Picking is the removal of the young tip of the new shoot. The saplings of the saplings and the useful legumes, which grow to 20-30 centimeters in diameter, can be controlled to prolong growth and promote branching. Newly planted saplings and newer old trees can be used in the summer to increase the number of twigs and shape early. After the buds have formed in spring, if a large number of branches are found and the amount of flowers is too large, part of the resulting mother branches may be shorted, and the basal sprouts may be germinated to form new mother branches. In this way, the relationship between growth and results can be adjusted to overcome the phenomenon of size and annual results. For trees that grow too busy and have low fruit setting rates, ring-skinning at the base of trunks or branchlets at the end of full bloom can increase fruit setting rate. The stripping width is generally 3-5 mm, and the stripping ring is spiral, which is relatively safe to the tree body and is beneficial to wound healing. Ibrutinib is a small molecule drug that binds permanently to a protein, Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) that is important in B cells; the drug is used to treat B cell cancers like mantle cell lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia, a form of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
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