Practicing Programmable Pills Using Cell Signaling DNA Molecules

Practicing Programmable Pills Using Cell Signaling DNA Molecules

October 22, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily

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Researchers at the University of Chicago have developed a new method that uses powerful DNA molecular calculations to measure changes in molecular signals. This method lays the foundation for research and time pattern recognition by simulating molecular calculations, and is expected to pave the way for applications such as programmable pills.

Living cells use sophisticated signaling systems to sense the environment and communicate this information internally and neighbors. The concentration of a particular signaling molecule and its manner over time is a key factor in entering the system. Although the principle is simple, the system is often very powerful and complex. One of the reasons why it is difficult to decode is that it is difficult to find signaling molecules and measure changes in their concentrations.

The new technology developed by the University of Chicago is one of the high-profile forms of DNA computation that biologists place on a single-stranded DNA that can replace another DNA in double-stranded DNA and can be precisely controlled using sophisticated tools.

These tools accurately control the rate and reversibility of the "replacement chain reaction" on several orders of magnitude. This produces a switch-like behavior—whether the reaction is on or off, and combining different switches makes logical operations possible, paving the way for various computing tasks. Researchers have demonstrated how displacement chain reactions can perform complex calculations and even mimic deep learning networks.

A new study at the University of Chicago outlines how DNA circuits can sense the presence of specific signaling and how it changes over time. Most importantly, the total amount of signaling can be the same even if the period, duty cycle, and number of pulses vary widely. The newly designed molecular machine measures these functions independently. Researchers have demonstrated the effectiveness of design principles using abstract chemical reaction networks and simulated DNA strand displacement reactions.

Researchers believe that this molecular computer may have dramatic applications in the future, such as the development of DNA origami pills, which only release drugs when a specific signaling pattern is received. The inflammatory response of the cell and its adaptive immune response trigger different signaling patterns of the transcription factor NFkB, and the pill is programmed so that only one of them can be identified to release the drug accordingly.

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