Rice fertilization method
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Rice growth depends on the leaves, leaf sheaths, and stems of the ground to absorb light, heat, and carbon dioxide, relying on underground roots to absorb water and various nutrients to make organic matter. These nutrients contain a large number of elements, trace elements and special elements. A large number of elements are carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, trace elements are iron, manganese, molybdenum, special elements are silicon, a total of 16 elements.
2. What is the basic rule for rice to absorb various nutrients?
The absorption and utilization of nutrients by rice is governed by two laws: First, the law of diminishing returns: Regardless of the type of elements applied, when the application rate is within a certain range, the yield will increase as the application rate increases beyond a certain limit. This phenomenon is most evident in nitrogen fertilizers among the three elements, followed by phosphate fertilizers.
Can not replace the law: in any case, the amount of various nutrients required for rice, not only have a certain range of ratios, but also various elements have specific functions and physiological effects, although they are related to each other, However, it cannot be replaced. As long as there is insufficient supply of one element, this element becomes the limiting factor for increasing output.
3. Why do more organic fertilizers are emphasized in rice production?
Organic fertilizers contain many organic substances, and have many humus substances after maturity. They have complete nutrients, high quality, and a long period of fertilizer efficiency. They have both slow-acting and colloidal properties. Its adhesion, adsorption and substitution are all very high. Therefore, it has the advantages of improving the soil misfortune, increasing the aggregate structure, and improving the soil's ability to retain water and fertility. It is a good soil conditioner. However, in recent years, the amount of organic fertilizers in the northern rice region is very low, and organic matter is lacking in paddy soils. Paddy fields with less organic matter are not drought-resistant or water-retaining, and have serious compaction, poor ventilation, poor root development, frequent shortage of nutrients, and frequent occurrence of premature aging. phenomenon. As a result, production must be reduced. Therefore, organic fertilizer must be added to paddy fields.
4. What are the physiological effects of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on rice? What are the symptoms of deficiency and excessive harm?
Nitrogen, which is a component of protein in plants, is the main component of chlorophyll and can promote the development of root and leaf seeds. In the absence of nitrogen, rice will have yellow-green leaves, narrow leaves, and short plants; stems are hard and small, and their ears are short; Roots, not worry. When the amount of nitrogen is excessive, the rice leaves will have a dark green color and the leaves will be drooping; the tillers will be more, but weaker.
Phosphorus promotes root development and nutrient uptake; enhances tillering potential and grain filling; increases starch synthesis; and strengthens the development of each growing point. In the absence of phosphorus, the leaves are dark green, and the leaves are narrow with auburn spots; there are few tillers, and when they are severely deficient, the growth is stopped, and the seeds are not tillered; the ripening is delayed and the kernels are not full; when the phosphorus is excessive, the damage is not obvious, but there is no effect of increasing production, but also cause Zinc deficiency reduces production.
Potassium, starch, cellulose synthesis and in vivo transportation can not be lack of potassium, potassium is to increase the vitality of roots, delay leaf senescence, and can enhance the ability to resist diseases and insect pests and other disasters. In the absence of potassium, the leaf color of the rice is dark green, the leaves are broad and short, brown spots appear, the edges of the leaves and leaves are curled, and the leaves are seen as fire; the roots are short and fine, the stalks are weak and easy to fall, and the potassium is excessively harmless, but there is no obvious Increase production.
5, the production of 500 kilograms of rice requires nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, how much the three elements?
Hybrid rice requires 13 kg of nitrogen fertilizer, 7.5 kg of phosphate fertilizer and 21 kg of potassium fertilizer.
Conventional rice requires 15 kg of nitrogen fertilizer, 8.5 kg of phosphate fertilizer and 22 kg of potassium fertilizer.
The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is 2:1:3.
6. How to increase nitrogen fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer utilization in paddy field production?
Nitrogen: deep base fertilizer; can improve the nitrogen fertilizer utilization rate of 10-15%.
Phosphorus: Phosphorus concentration is significantly higher than that of dispersed phosphorus application.
(1) Roots;
(2) Centralized fertilization 1-2 days before transplanting;
(3) Apply phosphate fertilizer to green manure and use green manure to use phosphate fertilizer;
(4) Let green manure be used as base fertilizer in paddy fields.
7. Why Potash Fertilizer is Applied in Paddy Field Production? What are the types of potash?
Potassium consumption in paddy fields is very large. In recent years, potassium-deficient paddy fields have been increasing year by year. Potash fertilizer has a significant effect on increasing rice yield. At present, potassium fertilizers include KCL, K2SO4 and herbaceous ash.
8. At present, what are the common fertilization methods in the rice area of ​​our province?
There are two kinds of rice fertilization: base fertilizer and top dressing. Fertilizer is commonly referred to as basal fertilizer in combination with eucalyptus before transplanting. In the past, farm organic fertilizer was the main fertilizer. Now, organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer are applied simultaneously. Fertilization after transplanting, collectively referred to as topdressing, returning green manure, tiller manure, panicle fertilizer, grain fertilizer, etc.
9. Why should we emphasize layer fertilization?
The benefits of deep application of chemical fertilizers are many, deep application in the reduction layer, ammonium nitrogen stability, high utilization. The results of the tests in various regions: The application rate of ammonium bicarbonate deeper than the surface application rate increased by 13-19%, and 1 kg of chemical fertilizer could increase 1.5 kg of rice, especially in alkaline soils. Deep application of chemical fertilizer can not only greatly improve fertilizer efficiency, reduce the volatilization of ammonium, reduce the loss of nitrogen leakage, increase rice absorption and utilization, but also can achieve the former moderate, stable, long-lasting. Deep fertilization has a long-term effect of 40-50 days, which changes the weak, weak, and poor stamina of the top-face fertilizer, improves the seed-setting rate and grain weight, and is a good method for high-efficiency fertilization.
10. How to make basic fertilizer and tiller fertilizer?
According to the requirement of rice fertilizer and the need for tillering, three times application of barnyardgrass can not only improve the utilization but also promote the delivery. For the first time, 5,7 days after transplanting, ammonium 7.5 kg of ammonium sulfate is used, some superphosphate and zinc sulfate can be used, and the second time it will be re-applied every 10-20 days. The third time to pay attention to promote balance Growth, administered 5-10 days before the end of childbirth.