Spring corn planting needs attention
1. Straw returning Large-scale promotion of straw returning technology, but after emergence of straw, the emergence rate is low, seedling yellow, weak seedlings, and even dead seedlings. (1) The smash is not thorough. The smashed straw is too long, and the depth of the plough is not enough, often the straw is exposed, affecting the sowing. (2) The soil has large voids. After the straw is returned to the field, part of the straw is exposed, part of it is not rotted, the soil is loose, and the ability to protect the soil is poor, which affects the emergence of seedlings. (3) The spores and eggs of the germs accumulate more and more. 2, the quality of the land preparation is poor The quality of the land preparation is poor, the light and dark are too much, the soil porosity is large, and the heat preservation performance of the fertilizer and water retention is poor, which seriously affects the growth and development of the root system and the whole plant. 3. Sowing date (1) Seeding is early. In early spring, the temperature is low, and the emergence time is long. It is easy to cause the seed mold to be rotted, resulting in lack of seedlings and ridges. Sometimes, early seedlings often encounter night cream after emergence, and low temperature injury occurs. (2) Seeding late. Delaying planting can lead to poor maturity in the late stage of the corn, or early frost, affecting corn yield and grain commerciality. 4, seeding method (1) Mechanical sowing. Seeds and fertilizers are simultaneously broadcasted during mechanical sowing, but the distance between common seeds and fertilizers is too close, and there is a phenomenon of chemical fertilizer burning; due to the poor quality of the soil preparation, the common seeding depth is different; due to the poor skill of the machine, common parallel phenomena; common individual species The hole is blocked, and the missing line causes a missing line and so on. (2) Artificial sowing. The large plots are easy for mechanical operation. The small plots are suitable for manual operation. In many places, the spot seeders are used for artificial sowing. The advantage is that more than ten square meters or even smaller plots can be sown, and the seeding rate can be controlled completely. Go to the ground and make the most of the limited land. However, the problem with the on-demand device is that the seeding depth is different, different people have different seeding depths, and the depth of the same person starts and after several hours after the broadcast. In addition, it is also related to the soil. The hard soil is soaked in shallow areas, and the soil is soft and deep. Different shades, the emergence of seedlings sooner or later, it is easy to appear large and small seedlings. (3) Semi-mechanized seeding. Some places are still planted with humans or animals, and there will also be different shades, missed broadcasts, and parallel phenomena. 5, the amount of seed (1) Single seeding. The advantage is to save seeds and reduce the cost of seeds for ordinary people. However, there are also some problems: when the seed germination rate is low, the emergence of seedlings is not good; the Chen seeds are more affected by the climate, it is difficult to ensure the whole seedling; the quality of the soil preparation is poor, and the seedlings are often devoid of ridges after planting; the occurrence of pests and diseases in the seedling stage can easily lead to the lack of seedlings. Seeds that are not graded or graded are often sized and seeded. (2) One-hole multi-seeding. The advantage is that it can guarantee the whole seedling. The problems are: waste of seeds, increase planting cost; less time, Miao Ding seedlings will lead to seedling dysplasia; the roots of a few seedlings in a common spot in the late seedlings are staggered and long-lived, which increases the difficulty of seedlings, and it is easy to pull a plant and bring the whole seedlings. Caused by lack of seedlings. 6, sowing depth (1) The seeding is too deep. The emergence time is long, the nutrients are consumed, and the seedlings are thin after emergence. (2) The seeding is too shallow. The spring wind is windy and windy, the surface soil is easy to lose drought and drought. If the soil moisture is good, it is easy to emerge early, such as poor moisture, fully water-absorbing seeds emerge early, semi-absorbent seeds are easy to lose water and finally no seedlings, no water-absorbing seeds It only emerges after rain (irrigation). (3) The seeding is different in depth. Some emerged early, some emerged late, the emergence of early emergence of seedlings, the formation of seedlings late seedlings, the emergence of large seedlings and seedlings, eventually the seedlings grow into weak plants, weak plants with spikelets or empty stalks. 7, soil moisture (1) Astragalus sowing. The hands are pinched into a group, which is naturally scattered and scattered. The soil moisture content is generally 12% to 15%. Due to insufficient soil moisture, the seedlings of Astragalus membranaceus are difficult to emerge after sowing, resulting in lack of seedlings and ridges. (2) Unreasonable grievances. Due to the poor quality of the land preparation or unevenness of the land, the unevenness of the wet and dry will result in the emergence of seedlings sooner or later, and finally the size of the seedlings will follow. (3) Black stalking. Hold the ball in a hand and do not break after landing naturally. Generally, the soil moisture content is 20% to 24%. Because of the high soil moisture, the ground temperature is low, and the emergence of seedlings is slow, which often leads to mildew of the seeds, weak seedlings or the formation of dead knots due to the pressing of the seeding operation. 8. Fertilization method (1) Pay attention to nitrogen fertilizer, scorn potassium fertilizer, ignore farmer's fertilizer, and pay no attention to the use of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. (2) Fertilizer is applied to the surface, and the loss of fertilizer efficiency is serious. (3) Reduce the number of fertilizations (one shelling), leading to the deferration of corn during the late growth period. 9. Application of herbicides (1) Indiscriminate use of herbicides. Produce phytotoxicity. (2) Do not match the concentration according to the instructions. Either it does not have a herbicidal effect or causes phytotoxicity. (3) littering packaging: causing pollution of water sources, polluting soil and affecting the growth of other crops. 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