The combination of medical imaging and AI technology for a more consistent and consistent image

The combination of medical imaging and AI technology for a more consistent and consistent image

January 14, 2019 Source: Health News Network

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The image quality output by various medical devices plays an important role in the diagnosis of doctors. High-quality image processing can remove noise, enhance contrast, and retain critical diagnostic information, thus achieving more accurate diagnosis. . In fact, in medical devices, the enhancement and optimization of these images relies on internal software solutions deployed in a variety of medical devices, including ultrasound, MRI, radiography, and mammography, through sophisticated algorithms. To process image information. ContextVision has been in the image analysis industry for 35 years and its software solutions are deployed on more than 250,000 terminal medical devices.

Recently, with the new trend of industrial upgrading in the future and the advancement of technology, AltimiraTM, the latest image enhancement platform, incorporates AI machine learning. For digital radiography, image analysis is performed while image processing is being performed to improve image consistency. This allows doctors to diagnose more easily and quickly.

It is understood that in the process of taking X-ray films, due to the different body types of patients, some patients have inconvenient movements, which will lead to different exposure conditions; in addition, different parts have different anatomical structures and image features; Differences in radiation dose and intensity levels due to physician procedures during the procedure, as well as moving organs and collimators in the dynamic sequence. All of the above situations can lead to a variety of differences in the image, or flickering, which is an unspeakable burden for the radiologist, and it is easy to lose the key information needed for diagnosis.

It is reported that with the new AltumiraTM, device manufacturers can achieve image quality improvements. This image quality improvement is not limited to the case where the original image quality is good, and the high quality final image can be output in real time and continuously and stably in the entire image generation process including the fluctuation of the original image quality due to various conditions. At the same time, it is capable of processing images of various X-ray systems, providing image enhancement processing from still images to dynamic multiple functions. The entire workflow is exceptionally efficient, increasing confidence and precision in clinical diagnosis.

A significant increase in image quality has a major benefit for physicians and patients, which is to reduce the amount of radiation. Overseas, many countries have strict requirements on radiation dose, and China is paying more and more attention to such problems. Kangtai Ruiying has published a survey report on dose standards, and its results show that its image enhancement software can obtain the same or higher quality images, even dynamic high-definition images, at 30% lower than the standard dose. In addition, the quality of the image can be guaranteed even when there is an error in the dose.

Ann-Sofi Hoff, Manager of Conti Ruiying Market and Product Line, said: “AltumiraTM is able to guarantee a high image quality every time it is inspected or every time it is filmed, adapting to different types of X-ray systems, including ordinary X-rays, fluoroscopy, multi-functional systems, and angiography, etc., can help provide better clinical results."

When talking about the promotion plan for the Chinese market, Mr. Xie Jianong, Sales Manager of Kangtai Ruiying Company added: “In addition to continuously upgrading and launching new products, we will provide more after-sales support to local customers. Our products have their own products. Strong adaptability and adjustability. Through the service and adjustment of field engineers, users can provide the best image effects, and can also meet the preferences of different doctors. At the same time, provide a lot of post-support to make the images more diverse and meet the final User preferences."


What is Vector 8D NLS?
The purpose of this training program is not a detailed physical justification of the principles of the «8D-LRIS» device, since different devices are designed differently. Currently, there are several manufacturers of this equipment, [spinoffs" from the original research group. In particular, in the original version of Russian, the headphones were used as magneto-inductors with an oscillation frequency, which is close to the thetarhythm of the brain, while in later versions of the device - as a conductor of electromagnetic waves that are close to the alpha rhythm of the brain. A good effect is obtained from the use of electromagnetic waves as a trigger mechanism for the study of a healthy body.Also, in many other versions of the device, laser emitters are used to affect the brain of the patient.Using the laser leads to an increase of the resonant response. However, there is a risk of adverse effects of such exposure, so the laser
emitter is not used in all models of «8D-LRIS» equipment.

Vector 8D NLS

Facts about the program:
Equipment set up on a modern element base, has a stylish design, and interfaces with a PC via USB-port. The unit LRIS-nls device has a digital trigger sensor in the unit and an analog trigger sensor which is built into the bio inductor.

The program works steadily on any Windows operating system (Windows operating system XP/Vista/7) New versions are available for free download from the site

Base standards greatly expanded and continue to grow A detailed user E-manual is included.

Assessment of the chakras and aura.

(An aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds every living being and is manifested in the physical field by electrically charged objects that represent themselves as different colors that surround the body. This electromagnetic field can provide information regarding a person`s emotional state, the quality of consciousness and will determine the level of health regarding an individual organ and organ systems.)

8d LRIS NLS Range:
LRIS-NLS can be used by anyone who is interested in quickly and effectively examining the health of their patients, clients, friends, family or employees. Accurate analysis is the driving factor of our company and no matter whom you are or what you do, you will be well informed with the information you will gather from the LRIS-NLS device, and so will everyone you work with.

Remember that the information is being gathered on a cellular level, and the beauty of this method of diagnosis is that before anything is manifested, it is found.

People who fall under any of the following categories are welcome, advised and will find benefit in using and having a LRIS-NLS biofeedback device.
Vector 8D NLS

8D Analysis,Vector 8D Nls,8D Nls Full Body Health Analyzer,8D Lris Health Analyzer

Shenzhen Guangyang Zhongkang Technology Co., Ltd. ,