The effect and prevention of 50 kinds of fungicides
1 generation zinc A broad spectrum protective fungicide. The strong contact effect prevents the bacteria from invading the plant, and mainly plays a preventive role. Control objects: downy mildew, late blight, cotton blight, anthracnose, early blight, leaf mold, spot blight, brown streak, rust, etc. Note: Can not be mixed with alkaline and copper-containing agents, the safety interval is 15 days. 2 mancozeb Wide spectrum of sterilization. Prevention and protection are the main factors. The germs are not susceptible to resistance and are safe for crops. Control objects: fungal diseases such as early blight, late blight, leaf mold, spot blight, downy mildew, anthracnose, blight, brown streak, cruciferous black spot, cabbage leukoplakia, zucchini root Mildew rot. Note: Do not mix with copper or alkaline agents; the recommended safety interval is 15 days. 3 copper hydroxide It is mainly used for prevention and protection, and has a stimulating effect on plant growth. Control objects: bacterial keratosis, bacterial leaf spot, soft rot, celery rotten heart disease, early blight, late blight, downy mildew, cabbage leukoplakia and other bacterial or fungal diseases, especially for bacterial diseases The effect is better. Precautions: 1, can not be mixed with strong acid, strong alkaline pesticides. 2, vegetable seedling stage, copper sensitive vegetables, high temperature climate, high humidity climate with caution. 3, fish and aquatic animals are toxic, avoid using liquids to contaminate water sources. 4 chlorothalonil It has a strong preventive effect on a variety of vegetable fungal diseases, and the therapeutic effect is small. Control objects: prevention of a variety of fungal diseases, such as downy mildew, anthracnose, powdery mildew, blight, early blight, late blight, plague, gray mold. Note: Can not be mixed with alkaline pesticides. Chlorothalonil is toxic to fish and should be protected from contaminated ponds and waters. 5 thiophanate It is a broad-spectrum, systemic fungicide that is converted into carbendazim in plants and has preventive and protective effects. Control objects: wheat smut, scab; rice blast, sheath blight; rapeseed sclerotinia; cotton disease; melon powdery mildew, anthracnose, gray mold; bean gray mold; pea powdery mildew, Brown spot disease. Note: Can not be mixed with copper and alkaline, strong acid pesticides. Continuous use is prone to drug resistance and should be used interchangeably with other agents, but should not be used interchangeably with carbendazim. In many areas, it is difficult to use this medicine to control gray mold and sclerotinia, and it is necessary to use other chemical treatments. 6 carbendazim Carbendazim is a highly effective and low toxicity systemic fungicide with systemic treatment and protection. Control objects: early blight, anthracnose, powdery mildew, gray mold, sclerotinia, cucumber scab, cabbage white leaf tomato leaf mold, blight. Note: Can not be mixed with alkaline and copper-containing agents, continuous use, bacteria are easy to produce resistance, should be used in rotation with other drugs, but should not be rotated with methyl thiophanate. 7 Fumeishuang A broad-spectrum protective fungicide that has a killing effect on the pathogens of seed and soil-borne seedling diseases. Control objects: blight, sputum, gray mold, downy mildew, powdery mildew, late blight, anthracnose, cruciferous special brown rot. Note: Can not be mixed with copper preparations and alkaline pesticides or used immediately before and after; mixed seeds are prohibited from feeding poultry and livestock. 8 ethyl phosphine aluminum The agent is a systemic fungicide which has special effects on diseases caused by oomycetes. Two-way conduction, and prevent disease. Control objects: vegetable downy mildew, epidemic disease, squatting disease, tomato late blight, eggplant plague, cruciferous white rust, etc. Matters needing attention: Do not mix with strong acid, strong alkaline pesticides; mixed with thiram, carbendazim, mancozeb, etc. can improve the control effect and expand the scope of prevention. 9 metalaxe Systemic fungicide, which has protective and therapeutic effects, can be absorbed by the roots and leaves of plants and then transmitted in both directions. Control objects: diseases caused by algal bacteria such as downy mildew, blight, late blight, cotton blight, white rust. Note: There is two-way conductivity, the effective period is 10-14 days, and the soil treatment period can be more than 2 months. 10 metalaxe manganese zinc Targets for prevention and treatment: The drug has special effects on diseases caused by downy mildew, Phytophthora, and Pythium, but it is highly resistant to drug resistance. 11 carbendazim A fungicide with cross-resistance to carbendazim, similar to carbendazim, but not at the same point of action. Control object: gray mold Note: This agent is generally not used in a single dose, but mixed with carbendazim, methyl thiophanate, or kelican to prevent gray mold. 12-speed Kling It has a dual role of protection and treatment. Control object: It is effective against a variety of crops such as rapeseed, cucumber, grape, tomato, etc., and is not effective against oomycetes. Note: Can not be mixed with alkaline agents such as stone sulfur mixture, Bordeaux mixture and organic phosphorus agents. It should be used interchangeably with agents with different mechanisms of action, such as pyrimethanil, chlorhexidine, boscalid, and sclerotium. 13 isourea Dimethylimide-based high-efficiency, broad-spectrum, contact-protective fungicide. Control objects: diseases caused by Botrytis, Pear, Alternaria, Sclerotinia, etc. Such as gray mold, early blight, black spot, sclerotinia disease and so on. Precautions: (1) It is not possible to mix or use a fungicide with the same action mode as Prochistridium (Spirulina) or Vinyl Chloride (Nongliling). (2) It cannot be mixed with a strong alkaline or strong acid agent. 14 cream · manganese zinc It has protective and therapeutic effects, and has a long-lasting effect + a wide spectrum of sterilization of mancozeb, mainly for prevention and protection. Control objects: vegetable downy mildew, early blight, seedling disease, cucumber or green pepper blight, tomato late blight, eggplant or tomato blight, cruciferous white rust. Note: Do not mix with alkaline pesticides, pay attention to alternate use with other fungicides. 15 frost urea cyanide manganese zinc The cymoxanil is systemic, has special effects on downy mildew and disease, and has a broad spectrum of long-term effects. Control objects: vegetable downy mildew, blight, tomato late blight, eggplant or tomato blight, cruciferous white rust and other oomycete diseases. Note: Do not use in a single continuous use, and should be used interchangeably with other fungicides. 16 enoylmorpholine manganese zinc Suction + Mancozeb sterilization has a broad spectrum of long-term effects. Control objects: vegetable downy mildew, blight, seedling disease, tobacco black shank, etc. caused by the fungus of the genus Escherichia. Note: Use alternately with other fungicides. 17 vinyl nucleus A protective and contact fungicide for controlling gray mold and sclerotinia caused by fungi such as Botrytis, Sclerotinia, and Sclerotinia. Control objects: fungi such as vegetable gray mold, sclerotinia, early blight, black spot and other fungi cause gray mold and sclerotinia. Note: It should be rotated with other fungicides. However, it cannot be rotated with the structure of Suikeling and Fuhai. 18 frosty It is an endogenous fungicide for aliphatic fungicides. Control object: Disease caused by algal bacteria. It is ideal for vegetable downy mildew, epidemic disease, squatting disease, tomato late blight, eggplant or tomato plague, cruciferous white rust and so on. Note: Can be used for soil treatment and foliar spray. 19 antimycin A broad-spectrum antibiotic fungicide with good systemic properties. Control objects: gray fungus, downy mildew, early blight, leaf mold, powdery mildew, blight and other fungal diseases. Note: Can not be mixed with alkaline or acidic pesticides. 20 thiabendazole A broad-spectrum, systemic fungicide with both protective and therapeutic effects. It can conduct to the top but not to the base. Control objects: various fungal diseases caused by ascomycetes, basidiomycetes, and deuteromycetes. Such as gray mold, sclerotinia, spot blight, anthracnose, blight, blight, root rot. Note: Toxic to fish, do not contaminate ponds and water sources. 21 mg fresh amine Imidazoles have protective and eradicative effects, no systemic action, but have certain conductivity properties. Control object: It has special effects on various diseases caused by ascomycetes. Vegetables are mainly used to control anthracnose, mushroom brown rot and brown spot. 22 bromocarbonitrile A new, broad-spectrum antiseptic and mildew-proof fungicide. Inhibit and eradicate the growth of fungi, bacteria and algae. Control objects: a variety of vegetable anthracnose has special effects. 23 spring leimycin It is a compound fungicide for protection and treatment. Control objects: It has excellent control effects on common diseases such as fungal diseases such as leaf mold, anthracnose, powdery mildew, early blight, downy mildew and bacteria caused by angular leaf spot, soft rot and ulcer disease. Note: Garrinon is corrosive to metal containers. 24 fluorosilazole A systemic fungicide for the prevention and treatment. It can quickly penetrate into plants and is resistant to rain and water. Control object: It is effective for diseases caused by ascomycetes, basidiomycetes and deuteromycetes. Especially for powdery mildew, rust, cucumber scab, the effect is ideal. 25 propyl zinc A broad-spectrum protective fungicide with good quick-acting and residual effects. Control objects: mainly used to control tomato late blight, early blight, vegetable downy mildew. 26 methyl azinamide It has protection, leaf penetration and root systemic activity. Control object: It should be used to control vegetable gray mold. Can also be used to prevent early blight, tomato leaf mold, cucumber scab. 27 nitrile A new compound fungicide with both systemic treatment and protection. Control objects: especially for powdery mildew and scab, have excellent control effects. 28 difenoconazole Triazole systemic sterilization, with protective and therapeutic effects. Control objects: almost all fungal diseases, such as: black spot disease, powdery mildew, leaf spot, rust, anthracnose and so on. 29 propiconazole A systemic fungicide with protective and therapeutic effects that can be quickly transported up through the body of the plant. Targets for prevention and control: Diseases caused by ascomycetes, basidiomycetes and deuteromycetes such as anthracnose, rust, powdery mildew and brown spot. Note: The storage temperature must not exceed 35 °C. 30 fluoromorpholine Targets for prevention and treatment: It is particularly effective against downy mildew and phytotoxic bacteria. It can be mixed with a contact fungicide (dithianon, mancozeb or copper compound). 31 enoylmorpholine Systemic fungicide. Control objects: vegetable downy mildew, epidemic disease, seedling disease, tobacco black shank. Note: The use of a relatively high risk of resistance alone, so often used in combination with protective fungicides such as mancozeb to delay the development of resistance. 32 triazolone It has a strong systemic fungicide with two-way conduction function, and it has the functions of prevention, eradication, treatment and fumigation, and has a long-lasting effect. Targets for control: High activity against many pathogenic fungi of ascomycetes, basidiomycetes, and deuteromycetes, but not active against oomycetes. Note: It can be mixed with other preparations other than alkaline and copper preparations. Seed dressing may delay seed emergence for 1-2 days, but it does not affect emergence rate and later growth. 33 diniconazole Triazole-based high-efficiency broad-spectrum systemic fungicide. Control object: can control fungal diseases. Such as powdery mildew, rust, smut, black spot disease, etc. have special effects. Precautions: Avoid application of the drug to the skin during the application; the drug should be stored in a cool and dry place; after application, it inhibits growth of a few plants. 34 imide Imidazole fungicides, high-efficiency, broad-spectrum, low-toxic fungicides, have multiple effects such as preventive protection and treatment. Targets for prevention and treatment: For carcass anthracnose, powdery mildew, wilt, leaf spot, it can also prevent rice seedling disease and rice blast. 35 imazalil Systemic fungicide. Control object: spray immersion on citrus, banana and other fruits to prevent water rot after harvest. 36 tebuconazole High-efficiency, broad-spectrum, systemic triazole fungicide with three functions of protection, treatment and eradication. Control objects: can effectively prevent and control a variety of rust, powdery mildew, net blotch, root rot and wheat mildew, common peanut brown spot, brown round spot, grape gray mold, powdery mildew and banana leaves Spot disease and tea tree tea cake disease also have better control effects. 37 azoxystrobin Efficient, broad spectrum. Control objects: For powdery mildew, rust, sclerotium, net blotch, downy mildew, rice blast, etc., mainly used to control cucumber downy mildew, tomato early blight and pepper anthracnose. 38 pyraclostrobin It has protective and therapeutic activity. It has permeability and local systemic activity, long-lasting effect and resistance to rain erosion. Control object: It has good control effect on cucumber powdery mildew, downy mildew, banana scab and leaf spot. 39-pyridinamide This product is a protective fungicide and should be applied at the beginning of the disease. Control objects: cruciferous plant tuberculosis, rice rickets caused by Rhizopus also have good control effect. Note: Can not be mixed with alkaline agents such as stone sulfur mixture, Bordeaux mixture and organic phosphorus agents. 40 famoxadone A new high-efficiency compound fungicide with both systemic treatment and protection. Control objects: mainly used to prevent powdery mildew, rust, sclerotium, net blotch, downy mildew, late blight. 41 sclerotia net It has a broad-spectrum, protective fungicide and has a certain systemic effect. Control object: It has special effects on Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Botrytis cinerea pathogens. It can also prevent and cure Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, tobacco brown spot disease, water striatum, wheat scab, powdery mildew and so on. 42 tiofuramide Thiazolamide fungicide with strong systemic conductivity and long-lasting effect. Control object: Thioflavamide has special effects on diseases caused by basidiomycetes, such as sheath blight and blight. 43 Jinggangmycin It has strong systemic properties and is easily absorbed by cells and rapidly transmitted in it. Control object: It has a preventive effect on diseases caused by Rhizoctonia solani (strain). Note: It can be mixed with a variety of pesticides other than alkali. 44 agricultural streptomycin Agricultural streptomycin has a systemic action and can control a variety of plant bacteria and fungal diseases. Control object: It has a good control effect on melon bacterial diseases. The main control targets are bacterial brown spot and bacterial rot. Note: The reaction between agricultural streptomycin and potassium dihydrogen phosphate aqueous solution occurs. 45 plant disease The medicine integrates sterilization, virus removal, growth regulation and yield increase. Targets for prevention and treatment: mainly used for the prevention and treatment of vegetable virus diseases, and also have certain control effects on downy mildew, keratosis, epidemic diseases and soft rot. 46 mushroom proteoglycan For biological agents, it is a preventive antiviral agent. It integrates prevention, promotion and nutrition. Targets for control: Vegetable virus disease has a good inhibitory effect on tobacco mosaic virus, cucumber mosaic virus, etc., especially for tobacco mosaic virus. Note: Avoid mixing with acid and alkaline pesticides. More than 47 Fu·Zinc The broad-spectrum soil fungicide has strong systemic absorption, long-lasting effect and wide spectrum of sterilization. Control objects: In addition to a variety of soil fax bacteria diseases and seedling diseases, it can also control downy mildew, gray mold, late blight, early blight, anthracnose, powdery mildew, black spot disease, leaf mold, rust, etc. An aerial fungal disease. Matters needing attention: In addition to seed disinfection, soil treatment can not be mixed with alkaline pesticides; boring seeds are easy to produce phytotoxicity; room temperature, dry, ventilated storage. 48 methyl chlorophosphate A broad spectrum systemic fungicide. It is used for the prevention and control of soil-borne diseases and mainly plays a protective role. The adsorption effect is strong, it is not easy to be lost, and the effect period is long. Control objects: control of vegetable blight, blight, sclerotinia, root rot, cruciferous black root disease, brown rot. Note: Can not be mixed with alkaline agents. 49 thiazolidine High efficiency, low toxicity, low residue, long-lasting effect and strong systemic absorption. Control object: control bacterial diseases of vegetables. Such as bacterial angular leaf spot, leaf spot disease, rot disease, black rot, soft rot and so on. 50 phenanthin It has preventive and therapeutic effects. Targets for treatment: Treatment of anthrax, rice blast, tripping, wilting and citrus ulcers has special effects, and has no cross-resistance with conventional drugs. This article is the "ecological agriculture headline" WeChat official subscription number finishing release article Source: Yue Ge Fertilizer Network today fruit price This article URL: The effect and prevention of 50 kinds of fungicides 1-Piece Ostomy pouch MDK-BO-01 500ML
A one-piece colostomy bags, drainable pouching system designed to be opened at the bottom when emptying. These colostomy bag machine are most suitable for colostomies or ileostomies. Ostomy bag colostomy barrier is a standard wear skin barrier that is gentle to the skin and allows for frequent pouch removal. To close the pouch, use the curved, beige clamp. Soft, beige disposable colostomy bag pouch panels on body side help provide comfort.
The features are soft and flex,standard wear, skin barrier, flat. The Chassis made in 100% hydrocolloid No tape border. Cut-to-fit skin barrier. Ultra-clear odor-barrier pouch film. Curved, beige pouch clamp. With comfortable ware pouch panel body side only. Not made with natural rubber latex.
Ostomy urostomy colostomy bag care products consist of sodium carboxymethylcellulose, adhesives made from medical hot melt adhesives, and separator paper or separators. Nursing equipment for ileum, colon, rectum or urethral stoma,The coloplast colostomy bag comes into contact with intact skin and intestinal lumen,Non-sterile supply. Colostomy bag reusable for stoma washing, care and collection of excreta and skin care around the stoma.
Use disposable colostomy bag, make sure the skin around the stoma is clean and dry before use. Remove the bags for colostomi from the package and separator or paper. Reshape the coloplast colostomy bag into the desired shape and size to fit the skin around the stoma. Apply the colostomy convatec bag to the skin around the stoma,adjust the shape of the paste again,Gently press so that it is firmly flat on the skin. Attach the stoma colostomy bag undercarriage to the stoma. The colostomy bag care can be peeled off the skin, don`t reuse. These one-piece-colostomy bag or two-piece-colostomy-bag are non-sterile product and is valid for three years under the condition of meeting the storage conditions.
1-Piece Ostomy Pouch,One Piece Ostomy Bags,One Piece Ostomy Pouch,1 Piece Ostomy Bag Henan Maidingkang Medical Technology Co.,Ltd ,