Vegetable preservation method
Quality of white Garlic in our company:
Root cut garlic clean clean, loose skin peeling garlic, no cooking garlic, no black moldy garlic, no broken garlic, skin no lobes, no internal sprouting, no insects or fungi.
Garlic belongs to liliaceae allium I and ii plants, which are composed of roots, stems, leaves, moss, bulbs, flowers and other parts. The roots are string-like root system, and the root group is mainly distributed in the soil layer of 0 ~ 30 cm. The stems of garlic degrade into flat short shriveled stems, called stem disk, and form bulbs with leaf sheath and garlic clove, namely the head of garlic.We can pack 10KG and 20KG boxes as required by the customer. If you have any need, please let us know.
Garlic In Cartons,Garlic Cartons Packaging,Fresh Garlic In Cartons,White Garlic In Cartons Jining Sunagro Trade Co., Ltd. ,
First, the importance of pre-cooling (A) the removal of field heat in the field refers to the product from the field after the product is cooled until the product reaches its lowest safe storage temperature, the difference between the heat content of the two. The field heat comes from the temperature of the product at the time of harvest, the field exposure after field harvesting, and the high respiration of the product before the cooling releases more heat. The product temperature after the harvest of the garden product has a direct impact on the quality of the product, especially for some extremely fragile products, only a few hours later to cool down, it may cause some quality losses, such as the decline of the sweet corn sugar, Fibrosis of bamboo shoots. So quickly remove field heat to maintain good quality.
(B) Slowing the rate of water loss Park products are rich in water, accounting for about 80% of fresh weight, and many fresh garden products lose their water by as much as 3% of their fresh weight, ie, withering and shrinking. Affect the appearance of the product and its value. The loss of water from garden products is the result of water molecules being lost from the surface of the product to the air in the form of gases. The higher the temperature of the garden product, the water vapor inside the product is continuously lost to the air from the pores, lenticels, epidermis or wounds. On the contrary, the lower the temperature of garden products, the slower the rate of water loss. Therefore, lowering the temperature of the garden product can slow down the rate of water loss.
(C) Reducing the Respiration Rate Although the harvested garden product has been detached from the plant body or soil, it is still a living plant house or tissue. Since the parent plant that supplies energy is lost, only the nutrient originally stored in the individual can be consumed. Generate energy to sustain life. Park products act like humans to respire, that is, to convert stored nutrients such as starch, sugar, or fat into energy, partly to synthesize the energy needed for cell repair, but most of them are released as calories. When the temperature is high, the respiration rate of the garden product increases, the metabolic rate of the stored nutrients increases relatively, and the product is prone to aging, spoilage, and is not resistant to storage. Conversely, at low temperatures, the product's respiratory rate decreases and it can be stored longer. Sweet corn, for example, releases 282 mg of CO2 per kilogram of product per hour at 25°C and only 30 mg at 0°C. The rate of respiration is approximately 10% at 25°C. Therefore, rapidly lowering the temperature of the garden product can slow the respiration rate and prolong the storage life.
(4) Inhibition of pathogenic bacteria The pathogenic bacteria that generally cause corruption of garden products have the optimal temperature for growth and development at the same temperature as the product field harvest temperature, approximately 20 to 30°C. Therefore, if the temperature of the product is not cooled rapidly, the microorganisms will be fast. The land grows and reproduces and the product spoils. Low temperature can quickly kill buds in the bud, inhibit colony growth or slow spore germination and mycelial growth. The rapid reduction of temperature after harvest to the lowest temperature that the product can tolerate is the best way to control microbial spoilage after harvest.
(E) Preventing ethylene from adverse effects Ethylene is a natural plant hormone, and all plant tissues have the ability to produce ethylene. Ethylene is produced especially when fruit ripens, physical damage, environmental stress, and tissue aging. In addition to the aging fruits, ethylene can make its taste better, and it can cause leaf fall off, chlorophyll loss, and tissue aging. The most suitable temperature for ethylene production in most garden products is between 16 and 21°C, and it can be stimulated by a specific ethylene concentration. Therefore, after the harvest, the product is rapidly cooled and maintained at a suitable low temperature, which can effectively suppress the adverse effects of ethylene.
(6) Increased economic benefits As the pre-cooling treatment has removed the field heat of the garden products and reduced the respiration rate, the refrigerating load can be effectively reduced by maintaining the low temperature for subsequent transportation or storage. Since the pre-cooling and cooling are performed before storage, it is unnecessary to consider the location separation of new and old product stacking, which can increase economic efficiency.
Second, the method of pre-cooling (a) of the pre-cooling of ice crushed the ice cubes scattered on the garden products, or with the product in a container filled with water, the period of contact with the garden products to expand the area, increase the effect of heat absorption. Applicable garden products are those that can tolerate direct contact with ice water and are also water resistant during transportation, such as green onions, some cauliflower, and root vegetables.
(2) Precooling ice water A cooling method in which the garden product is immersed in ice water or sprayed with ice water to flush the surface of the product to achieve the cooling effect. Applicable to fruit vegetables, tender stem vegetables, fruits.
(III) Air precooling
1. The indoor air-cooled garden product is placed in a cold store, and the field heat is replaced by cold air in the store. However, cold air is not easy to enter into the packing box, resulting in a slow cooling rate. If you improve the rate of indoor air flow, it helps to speed up the cooling rate. Suitable for all garden products.
2. Strong wind pre-cooling (also known as differential pressure air-cooled) Park products are placed in a freezer, depending on the product and have a different arrangement. The cold air is forced by one side of the product packaging and is in direct contact with the product, taking away heat from the field. The product temperature can be quickly reduced in a short time. Suitable for fruits, berries, fruit vegetables and cut flowers.
(D) vacuum pre-cooling Park products into a closed storage body, and then quickly out of the air, the product surface moisture rapidly evaporated, resulting in a rapid decline in product temperature. Suitable for leafy vegetables, and some stems and cauliflowers. Table 1. Comparison of pre-cooling methods: Pre-cooling method Expenses Equipment Pre-cooling rate Application range Ice-cold pre-cooling Cheap ice-making machine Scallions, some cauliflowers, root vegetables, Stewed vegetables Pre-cooled ice water Ice machines Fast fruits, stalks, fruits Indoor air-cooled Medium cold All slower garden products Strong pre-cooled medium-strong wind Freezer Medium fruits, berries, fruits and vegetables Cut flowers Vacuum pre-cooling Expensive vacuum store Fastest leafy vegetables, and parts Stem, cauliflower class three, the choice of pre-cooling method (a) the cost of vacuum pre-cooling method of the best pre-cooling, but the cost is higher. To achieve the same pre-cooling rate and low cost, both crushed ice pre-cooling and ice-water pre-cooling can be tried.
(II) Characteristics of the Park Products The above-mentioned crushed ice pre-cooling and ice-water pre-cooling have high pre-cooling rates and low costs. However, the treated products must be immersed in water. If the product is not water resistant, air precooling should be considered.
(c) The longer the demand for garden products to be transported or stored, the more precooling is required. Conversely, there is no need for pre-cooling if it is only sold to nearby markets. There are considerable benefits from the rapid cooling of vegetables after harvesting, especially in gardens where the respiration rate is high or tissue fibers are susceptible to microbial infections. Low temperature is the most important measure to maintain quality and prolong transport life. However, pre-cooling is only the first step in good temperature management. Pre-cooled products must be combined with a cryogenic transportation system or a cold storage system to fully realize the effect of pre-cooling.