After the fall of the stomach, the stomach is more likely to cause stomach problems.

We all know that the stomach is a particularly vulnerable site and it is very important to raise the stomach. In particular, after the frost had fallen, the weather gradually became cold, and the body's resistance decreased. It was prone to stomach pain, bloating and other symptoms. How to protect the stomach and stomach in autumn and winter? Chinese medicine believes that winter is the best season for "cultivation." The body can effectively conserve enough energy and nutrients, and it is also the best time to raise stomach.

[7:00] drink warm water

Get up early to drink water, you can replenish the water that was lost the previous night, and fully nourish every corner of your body. However, it should be noted that drinking water should drink warm boiled water. In the morning, when the body's yang develops, drinking cool water is “contrary to what is happening” and it is easy to cause bad stimulation to the stomach.

【8:00】Best time for breakfast

The best breakfast is 1 hour after getting up and 4 hours apart from lunch. Eating breakfast for a long period of time can lead to nutritional imbalances and increase the risk of gallstones.

【12:00】Drink soup before lunch

In the case of relatively dry food and inadequate saliva secretion, proper amount of soup is good for digestion and absorption, especially suitable for "laziness" in autumn and winter. Soup can dilute saliva and gastric juice, but it has little effect on intestinal digestive juices.

However, one thing needs to be taken care not to swallow rice and soup together. If rice is not chewed enough, it will easily lead to poor digestion.

[12:30] After breakfast, don't go to bed at night

Lunch time should be as abundant as possible, so don't rush to finish the meal and put it into work immediately. After dinner, it is best to be quiet for a while, to ensure that the blood flow to the gastrointestinal tract to make it work properly.

In addition, the horse should not sleep after lunch, it is best to rest for a while and then sleep.

【14:00】A smoke after dinner, see the gods early

Smoking causes the blood vessels to contract and the stomach's protective ability deteriorates. At the same time, toxic substances such as nicotine and nicotine also enter saliva, which can cause gastric ulcers.

【15:00】 Add a little meal to the stomach

If you feel hungry in the afternoon, you can add a bit of snacks and fruits, and long-term fasting can easily lead to gastric ulcers and gastrointestinal disorders.

[18:00] Don't be too full for dinner

Dinner must be controlled in the "seven or eight full." For each meal, eat a moderate amount of snacks between meals to maintain the total amount without starving the stomach.

[19:00]Stand for half an hour after dinner

People who have gastroesophageal reflux do not try to lie down or sit down after a meal. This will cause stomach acid to flow back to the esophagus and exacerbate the symptoms. The best place to stand for half an hour after a meal, but do not do strenuous exercise, otherwise it is easy to indigestion.

【20:00】Do not do "couch potato" for 1 hour after meal

This is when fat is most likely to accumulate. Try not to sit in front of your TV as a “couch potato” and walk or jog.

【22:00】 Try not to eat before going to bed

Drinking milk before going to bed is not everyone's "prescription for good health." This will stimulate the secretion of stomach acid and bile. People with a bad stomach should not eat before sleeping.

Protect your stomach diet!

1. Drinking water timing

The most suitable drinking time is from the early morning fasting hour and one hour before each meal. Immediate drinking water after meals will dilute the gastric juice. Soaking rice with soup will also affect the digestion of food. After the morning rinse, drink half a cup to a glass of warm boiled water to supplement the loss of moisture, promote gastrointestinal motility, and help the gastrointestinal preparation for breakfast.

2. Small meals

Small meals can avoid stomach upset or hyperacidity. Hyperacidity may be reversed to the esophagus and stimulate the esophagus. In addition to three meals and snacks in the afternoon, afternoon and before going to bed. Eating a Moderate Diet Each meal consists of a wide variety of foods taken from six major categories of food to achieve a balanced diet. Do not eat purely starchy foods.

3. Chewing slowly

Food enters the stomach and is stored, ground, and digested, turning the food into a milky smell before it can be discharged into the intestines. If the chewing is not fine, gorging, rough food, it will increase the burden on the stomach, prolong the stay, can cause gastric mucosal damage; in addition to chewing, can increase the secretion of saliva, and reduce the secretion of gastric acid and bile, is conducive to the stomach protection.

4. Balanced diet

Spicy, high-fat and other highly irritating foods should be eaten as much as possible to avoid any damage to the gastric mucosa. Then add more fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and high protein to increase nutrition. Protect the gastric mucosa.

In addition, eating on time, quitting smoking and drinking, eating more soft, soup food will have an effective treatment of stomach problems.


Ig M Antibody,Mycoplasma Igg,Antigen And Antibody,Igg And Igm

Guangdong Hecin Scientific, Inc. ,